titanic questions

2010-10-24 5:12 am
羅絲常常因單調乏味的貴族生活而鬱鬱寡歡 , 悶悶不樂的羅絲無法忍受生活的無奈,面對著滾滾的海浪欲結束自己的生命, 傑克出現挽救了她的生命。在與傑克的交往中,羅絲感受到了愛情的美妙和生活的活力。羅絲沖破世俗觀念,不顧貪圖虛榮的母親的反對,不受卡爾財富的誘惑,毅然選擇了自己的真愛與傑克沉浸在愛情的喜悅之中。然而,隨著這艘巨輪撞上冰山而沉沒, 這段浪漫的情感溶入了大西洋的滔滔海水

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2010-10-25 10:50 pm
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In 1912, the coast of Ireland, "Dream of the ship" Titanic maiden voyage, the beautiful young aristocratic girl Rose with mother and fiance Karl by Titanic on the luxurious ship.
Rose is often tedious because of the aristocratic life unhappy, sullen Rose could not bear the helplessness of life in the face of the waves rolling in like the end of his life, Jack to save her life there. Dealings with Jack, Rose felt the wonderful love and life vitality. Rose broke the secular concept of the mother regardless of the opposition just for the sake of vanity, not the lure of wealth Carl, he took his love with Jack immersed in the joy of love. However, with this ship hit an iceberg and sank, this romantic feelings integration into the surging waters of the Atlantic
2010-10-25 7:12 pm

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