past perfect &past continuous

2010-10-24 3:02 am
想問past perfect &past continuous tense 既分別&例子
同埋有無d 相關既exercise

回答 (2)

2010-10-24 3:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Past Comtinuous Tense:
‧When we want to talk about something that was in progress at a definite point of time in the past(e.g. at 5:00pm yesterday)or when something else took place,we use the past continuous tense(e.g. I was doing).

Was/were + past participle

e.g.1.The fire broke out at 2:15am.We WERE SLEEPING at that time.
2.The government WAS PULLING down some hotels.

Question Form:Was/Were+subject+ing

e.g.1.Was he applying for the job?
2.What were you doing when the bell rang?

Past Perfect Tense:
‧Sometimes a past action took place before another one.To emphasize this fact,we often use the past perfect tense(e.g.I had done)for the earlier action.

Had+past participle

e.g.1.I didn't see Ann at John's party last night.She HAD LEFT when I COME.

NOTE:We don't use the past perfect to talk about a single past action.
WRONG:He HAD GONE to Shenzhen yesterday.
RIGHT:He went to Shenzhen yesterday.

Question Form:Had+subject+past participle

e.g.1.Had they tried to climb over the hill before they retired?
2.Who had joined the Red Cross before entering this school?
參考: myself
2010-10-24 6:50 pm
past perfect &past continuous 係時間性既問題

past perfect 係強調比較短暫同較近既, 如I had just finished the work yesterday when my Boss called me. (強調我老闆打比我既時候我已完成工作, 因為係昨天所以用pp)

past continuous 強調一段較長時間既活動, 如I was watching TV when the phone rang. (當電話响時, 我正睇緊電視, 睇緊係比較長時間性)

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