
2010-10-23 11:49 pm
1.我見又look at,又look for...又look forward





3.noun clause究竟係乜?究竟有幾多隻clause?呢d clause有咩特性?noun clause可以當係1個noun用?咁adverb clause就係可以當1個adverb用?同埋我幾時知佢係1個clause?

4.noun phrase果d又係咩黎?有幾多種phrase?我幾時知佢係phrase,phrase又有咩特性?

回答 (2)

2010-10-24 6:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 這些叫phrasal verb, 是由動詞加上preposition形成一個含意完全不同的動詞片語.
像你舉例的look, look本身解"看", 但look for是"尋找", look after是"照顧"......
要記住這些phrasal verb只能多看多背誦, 別無他法.

2. 不及物動詞(intransitve verb)本來不會有object.
你所謂的加preposition而成的object, 是指adverbial phrase, 句子結構上主要用來修飾動詞, 形容詞, 或其他副詞, 意義上則是給句子作出補充.
它並不是真正的object, 真正的object在轉換成被動句後會變成subject, 但adverbial無論在主動句或是被動句, 它依然是adverbial. 這是subject/object和adverbial的分別.

舉例: I stand outside the classroom.
stand是不及物動詞, outside the classroom是adverbial phrase, 裡面的outside就是你所謂的加在不及物動詞後面的preposition.
由於outside the classroom不是object, 所以這句並不能轉換成被動句.

3. noun clause, 正確來說叫做nominal clause, 是名詞子句.
簡單來說, 一個句子裡面可以包含名詞, 動詞, 形容詞, 副詞, 而這些詞語不一定由一個單字組成, 它可以是兩三個字的phrase, 甚至也可以是一個子句.

舉例: He is traveling to Japan
That tall man is called Peter
What I need to do is to finish the homework before the teacher comes.

這三句的subject分別是一個單字, 一個noun phrase, 一個nominal clause.
clause主要有四大類, 其一就是剛才說的nominal clause, 其二是adverbial clause, 其三是relative clause, 其四是comparative clause. 它們的特性是包含了主語和述語 (述語必然包含了動詞和其他可有可無的副詞). 要知道一個clause屬於哪種, 就要看它在句子中扮演甚麼角色.

4. phrase只是一個或幾個單字而成的片語, 有noun phrase, 也有verb phrase, adjective phrase, adverb phrase, prepositional phrase等等.

舉例: apples
the red apples

兩者都是noun phrase, 即使前者只有一個單字.
如何決定屬於哪種phrase, 要看它的head word是甚麼, 像the red apples的head word便是apples, 而apples是noun, 所以它就是noun phrase. 如此類推
如何分辨哪個是head word, 你就看那句句子裡的phrase, 看那個phrase裡面有甚麼字可以被刪掉而不改意思, 那些字就不是head word. head word是不能被拿走的.

舉例: the red apple I ate was bought in the supermarket.

若果我們將the red apple的red拿掉, 意思仍然通順. 但若果將apple拿掉, 意思就不通了.
參考: 自己 (語言學學生)
2010-10-24 12:50 am
Look = verb or noun

又look at,

He looks at you.

又look for..= search

He is looking for his notebook, which he has put on his desk.=
He is searching for his notebok, which he has put on his desk.

.又look forward= wait for or expect
He looks forward to seeing you next week. =
He expects to see you next week or
He is waiting for seeing you next week.

Your look tells me that you are terrified. LOOK means face or your gesture and it is a noun here in this sentence.

when look is used with with preposition, it means differently like Chinese 長
長度, 生長, 長生不老, 校長 等


He is looking for his notebook , which he has put on his desk.= this is a clause and has a verb. A clause can sometimes can stand alone as another sentence.

He is wearing a red hat and a pair of sunglass = this is a phrase and doe not have any verb.

You better copy a paragraph of essay, then we can show you clearly which part is a phrase or a clause. etc.

We have to learn by heart and practise more by writing some sentences to refresh our memory.

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