
2010-10-23 1:26 am
有無人可以話比我知以下每月(今年 2010)收入每年要交的薪俸稅是多少:

(1) HK$28,000
(2) HK$36,000
(3) HK$44,000

已婚無仔女, 無父母, 無供樓

回答 (2)

2010-10-23 1:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) HK$28,000 稅8,400
(2) HK$36,000 稅24,720
(3) HK$44,000 稅41,040
2010-10-23 4:21 am
You can claim self education expenses and charitable donation etc. For an accurate computation, you can go to the web-site of Inland Revenue Department below and get the exact salaries tax to be payable.


2010-10-22 20:25:24 補充:
You have to put in the toal income e.g. 12 months or 13months x $28,000 and overtime etc etc to the income field and other relevant data to other fields.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:35:34
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