dressed to kill 點解

2010-10-23 12:43 am
在報紙上看到一段很短的新聞,講一隻西施狗打扮得靚靚的去參加一個比賽,新聞的題目是dressed to kill。請問個題目點解呀? 可唔可以譯做"靚到殺死人"?

回答 (6)

2010-10-23 1:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
dressed to kill =
Fully prepared for the competition (or the game).


Here, to kill dose not mean killing.
參考: Self
2010-10-23 4:42 pm
dressed to kill = idiom; =wearing the kind of clothes that will make people notice and admire you. 打扮得引人注目; 穿着特別顯眼
參考: Oxford Advanced Learner's Eng-Chin dictionary
2010-10-23 11:46 am

dressed extremely well; look very sharp. It is used when speaking about someone who is dressed exceptionally well - often for a special occasion.
 It may also means intentionally wearing clothes that attract sexual attention and admiration.

新聞的題目: 打扮得靓絕

e.g. His younger sister was dressed to kill for her first date with David. 

2010-10-23 09:30:23 補充:
It may also mean intentionally ........ (grammatical mistake: "means" should be replaced with "mean").
2010-10-23 3:23 am
dressed to kil:l穿衣服要殺
2010-10-23 12:57 am
穿衣服殺人 穿衣服要殺

參考: 我
2010-10-23 12:56 am
dressed in fancy or formal clothing

靚到殺死人 的意思差不多

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