what is影衰 in english?

2010-10-22 9:06 pm
what is影衰 in english?

回答 (3)

2010-10-23 1:33 am
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what is影衰 in english?

Usually, in English, we would say: bad influence to....
But the meaning dose not exactly '影衰'.

However, with a complete sentence as following would mean so.
What he'd said has a bad influence to my image .
他所說的極 影衰 我的形像
參考: Self
2010-10-22 9:58 pm

老外常說:shame on you有你好丟臉,好羞家的意思

影衰大可以說:bring shame on someone,如yahoo也有一例:

Your bad behavior brings shame on the whole school. 你的惡劣行徑給整個學校帶來恥辱。(即影衰間學校)

2010-10-22 9:25 pm
give bad impact on (something)
參考: self

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