信用卡問題 十分急!!!!20分

2010-10-22 11:27 am
信用卡問題 十分急!!!!20分

我前日係apple訂左iphone, 之後apple就sd左以下既email俾我喇

Dear Apple Store Customer,

Thank you for your recent order with the AppleStore.

We have not been able to obtain an authorisation on your credit card.
Please contact your bank to ensure that there are no issues which may be
blocking your card.

We will continue to attempt authorisation for 5 days. If we are unable
to obtain an authorisation, we will cancel your order after 5 business

Please call us if you prefer to use a different credit card.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you for choosing Apple.

Our contact details are:
Apple Store Payment Management Team
Phone: 800 908 988
Monday through Friday, Working hours: 8.30am to 5.30pm

This correspondence is for the named person's use only. It may contain
Confidential or legally privileged information or both. No
confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any mis-transmission.
If you receive this correspondence in error, please immediately delete
it from your system and notify the sender. You must not disclose, copy
or rely on any part of this correspondence if you are not the intended

Any opinions expressed in this message are those of the individual
sender, except where the sender expressly, and with authority, states
them to be the opinions of Apple

回答 (4)

2010-10-22 7:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2010-10-23 2:04 am
通常 credit card 中心都會有一種保護摸式叫 “Buying Pattern"。假如你平時每月都系簽幾千,最大數果一次交易又系一兩千。甘你一簽 Apple 概時間,Apple 想過你幾千,銀行就會有懷疑。點解會簽甘多錢?你要打去 card centre 同距講就 ok 咖啦。當然,如果你已經簽爆左,就要同 card centre 加大個 limit。
2010-10-22 4:08 pm
2010-10-22 12:07 pm
Basically, fraud alert.

Simply resolve this issue with your bank.

Then, either:

1. Wait Apple to charge again.

2. Or call Apple to charge again immediately.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:35:29
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