下面兩句英文,邊句先岩 ?

2010-10-22 9:14 am
1. I am smarter than you.
2. I am smarter than you are.

第一種語法從書本上學。 第二種語法從電影上學。

回答 (3)

2010-10-23 4:40 am
下面兩句英文,邊句先岩 ?1. I am smarter than you.= correct English (both written and spoken)

2. I am smarter than you are. = correct in spoken English
2010-10-23 12:48 am
The problem looks worse than it is. 這個問題看起來比它實際上更糟糕。
The city looks smaller than it actually is. 這座城市看上去比實際上更小。
She looks younger than she is. 她看起來比實際歲數顯得要年輕。
She looks younger than she was . 她看上去比她以前年輕。
She is richer than he was. 她現在比他以之前 更富有。
She is richer than he. 她比他更富有。
2010-10-22 9:34 am

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