
2010-10-22 3:58 am

1.)好 想 打 網 球(係咪I want to play tennis??)
2.)一 向 缺 乏 自 信 的 蒙 坦 慈 ,
難 得 加 入 學 校 網 球 隊 , 卻 被 隊 員 排 擠 ;
在 家 備 受 忽 略 , 姊 妹 罵 戰 , 家 庭 竟 成 戰 場 ;
她 身 心 俱 疲 , 幾 要 自 暴 自 棄 , 這 才 發 現 打 球 是 她 一 生 夢 想 ,因 著 小 小 一 個 網 球 , 她 重 尋 自 信 , 重 覓 真 我 , 重 建 關 係 , 重 回 球 隊 ,
也 重 新 發 現 身 邊 有 人 一 直 默 默 在 支 持 , 默 默 在 愛 護



回答 (2)

2010-10-22 4:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.係 不過如果你想強調 [好想] 可以係tennis後面+vary much

2.Always lacks the self-confident Mongolian Tanzania to be kind, joins the school tennis team rarely, is actually pushed aside by the member; Is subject to the home neglects, the sisters scold the war, the family become the battlefield unexpectedly; Her body and mind is all weary, several must be deliberately bad, this only then discovered that plays a ball game is her life vainly hoped for, because the small tennis, she is seeking again self-confidently, seeks really me again, the reconstruction relations, re-enter the team, also discovered side some people in the support, have been cherishing silently silently.
( Mongolian Tanzania ----蒙坦慈 唔知岩唔岩 不過應該係)

3.I think according to this book belt compared to my important news: So long as never gives up, may obtain successfully.
參考: 我自己
2010-10-22 4:14 am
1.) 系
2.) Always lack of confidence 蒙 坦 慈 (唔知系唔系人名), hard to join the school tennis team, but was excluded members.Neglect at home, sister bickering, the family is a way the battlefield;she spent physically and mentally, a few want to give up on themselves, and found her life's dream to play, because of a little tennis, she re-invent self-confidence, so I re-seek to rebuild relationships and return to the team,also re-found support around people have been quietly, silently in love.

3.) I think this book with an important message than I was: as long as the never give up, you can get success.

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