
2010-10-22 12:15 am

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2010-10-23 11:40 am
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A、Renaissance architecture is the architecture of the period between the early 15th and early 17th centuries in different regions of Europe。 in which there was a conscious revival and development of certain elements of ancient Greek and Roman thought and material culture。Renaissance architecture followed Gothic architecture and was succeeded by Baroque architecture。The Renaissance style places emphasis on symmetry、proportion、geometry and the regularity of parts as they are demonstrated in the architecture of classical antiquity and in particular ancient Roman architecture,of which many examples remained。Orderly arrangements of columns、pilasters and lintels,as well as the use of semicircular arches,hemispherical domes,niches and aedicules replaced the more complex proportional systems and irregular profiles of medieval buildings。Developed first in Florence,with Filippo Brunelleschi as one of its innovators,the Renaissance style quickly spread to other Italian cities and then to France、Germany、England、Russia and elsewhere。


http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E6%96%87%E8%89%BA%E5%A4%8D%E5%85%B4%E5%BB%BA%E7%AD%91 >文藝復興建築

http://www.greatbuildings.com/types/styles/renaissance.html >Renaissance Architecture in Great Buildings Online


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2010-10-31 8:24 am
The word "Renaissance" derived from the term "la rinascita" ("rebirth") which first appeared in Giorgio Vasari's Vite de' più eccellenti architetti, pittori, et scultori Italiani (The Lives of the Artists, 1550–68).
Although the term Renaissancewas used first by the French historian Jules Michelet, it was given its more lasting definition from the Swiss historian Jacob Burckhardt, whose book, Die Kultur der Renaissance in Italien 1860,[1] was influential in the development of the modern interpretation of the Italian Renaissance. The folio of measured drawings Édifices de Rome moderne; ou, Recueil des palais, maisons, églises, couvents et autres monuments (The Buildings of Modern Rome), first published in 1840 by Paul Letarouilly, also played an important part in the revival of interest in this period.[2] The Renaissance style was recognized by contemporaries in the term "all'antica", or "in the ancient manner" (of the Romans).
[edit]Principal phases
Historians often divide the Renaissance in Italy into three phases.[3] Whereas art historians might talk of an "Early Renaissance" period, in which they include developments in 14th century painting and sculpture, this is usually not the case in architectural history. The bleak economic conditions of the late 14th century did not produce buildings that are considered to be part of the Renaissance. As a result, the word "Renaissance" among architectural historians usually applies to the period 1400 to ca. 1525, or later in the case of non-Italian Renaissances.
2010-10-30 1:32 am
Historiography The word "Renaissance" derived from the term "la rinascita" ("rebirth") which first appeared in Giorgio Vasari's Vite de' più eccellenti architetti, pittori, et scultori Italiani (The Lives of the Artists, 1550–68).Although the term Renaissancewas used first by the French historian Jules Michelet, it was given its more lasting definition from the Swiss historian Jacob Burckhardt, whose book, Die Kultur der Renaissance in Italien 1860,[1] was influential in the development of the modern interpretation of the Italian Renaissance. The folio of measured drawings Édifices de Rome moderne; ou, Recueil des palais, maisons, églises, couvents et autres monuments (The Buildings of Modern Rome), first published in 1840 by Paul Letarouilly, also played an important part in the revival of interest in this period.[2] The Renaissance style was recognized by contemporaries in the term "all'antica", or "in the ancient manner" (of the Romans).[edit]Principal phases
Historians often divide the Renaissance in Italy into three phases.[3] Whereas art historians might talk of an "Early Renaissance" period, in which they include developments in 14th century painting and sculpture, this is usually not the case in architectural history. The bleak economic conditions of the late 14th century did not produce buildings that are considered to be part of the Renaissance. As a result, the word "Renaissance" among architectural historians usually applies to the period 1400 to ca. 1525, or later in the case of non-Italian Renaissances.Historians often use the following designations:Renaissance (ca. 1400–1500); also known as the Quattrocento[4]and sometimes Early Renaissance[5]High Renaissance(ca.1500–1525)Mannerism(ca. 1520–1600)

2010-10-29 17:36:15 補充:
I wish I can help you.

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