
2010-10-21 10:38 pm
現在有兩位董事A&B, 各佔股權百分五十. 董事A邀請C加入做董事, 股權變為50:40:10, 但董事B沒有同意, 這樣董事A可否私自轉讓自己的40%給C呢?

很奇怪的一點, B董事沒有簽署任何文件, 而A董事可以成功把C 加入了 DIRECTOR BOARD, 在公司註冊署也可以見到C 的名字在公司董事名單上.

回答 (2)

2010-10-22 12:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
If this is a private limited company, there is generally a pre-emptive clause that the shares out from A should be taken by by the remaining shareholder B first before it is taken up by C. The transfer of share is restircted. Please see the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company for details.

2010-10-21 22:26:08 補充:
The admission of a new director must be passed by the board of directors with the minimun of directors (quorum) attending the meeting and a minutes of the directors recording the new admission must be filed in the minutes book of the company.

2010-10-21 22:26:14 補充:
You have to check to the Articles of Association for the quorum of the meeting of directors to convene a valid direcotrs' meeting.
2010-10-21 10:48 pm
要睇吓個M&A點點喎, 或者視乎兩個董事之間有冇有關既協議.

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