
2010-10-21 6:25 pm
陳 沛 瑩


回答 (2)

2010-10-22 7:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
應該是 첸 페 잉.
以拼音方式閱讀是 chen pe ing.
參考: 我學過韓文
2010-10-23 10:31 pm
陳 沛 瑩

韓文是 진 패 영 (Jin Pae Yeong)

2010-10-23 15:08:28 補充:

2010-10-27 10:52:56 補充:
l wonder how do you communicate with your Korean friend and does your friend really know what you are talking about?

To start with the translation of your name,
첸 and 페 do not have a Chinese character.
잉 => 剩, 孕, 仍

Imagine what does your friend think about you, 첸페剩, 첸페孕, 첸페仍
... hahaha.

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