
2010-10-21 1:51 am

present tense

I like eat cake.



回答 (3)

2010-10-21 2:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
先介紹some of the Tense:

1. Simple Present Tense ﹝一般現在時態﹞

2. 現在分詞 Present Participle﹝簡稱pr.p﹞

3. 過去式 Past Tense Form

4. 過去分詞 Past Participle﹝簡稱p.p﹞


(1) 現在的動作或狀態;

(2) 經常性的動作或狀態。

2. Simple Past Tense ﹝一般過去時態﹞



* 這種時態的動詞常與表示過去的副詞同用。


現在:We go now.
Do we go now?
He goes now.

Does he go now?
過去:He went yesterday.
Did he go yesterday?

現在:We often read newspapers.
過去:We read that newspaper yesterday.
*"read"的過去式亦是" read",只是讀音不同。

現在:Can you swim?
過去:Could you swim last year?

現在:You may go.
過去:You might go yesterday but why did you not go?

2010-10-20 18:10:44 補充:
1) 現在式 Simple Present tense:


(1) 現在的動作或狀態;

(2) 經常性的動作或狀態。

eg. We often read newspapers.

2) 過去式 Simple Past Tense:


eg. He went yesterday.

2010-10-20 18:11:24 補充:
3) 將來式 Simple Future Tense:

will / shall﹝英﹞ + Root Form


eg. We shall go to Shanghai tomorrow.

eg. He will graduate next year.

字眼: tomorrow, next, again

4) 現在完成式 Present Perfect Tense :

have / has + 動詞的過去分詞


(1) 已經完成但與現在仍有關聯的動作或狀態;

(2) 過去已經開始並持續到現在的動作或狀態;

(3) 經驗過的動作或狀態。

2010-10-20 18:12:33 補充:
eg. I have written a letter this morning. 我今早己寫完一封信。

eg. Has he gone? 他已走了嗎〈剛走了嗎〉?

Yes, he has gone. 他已走了〈剛走了〉。

eg. Where have you been?你去過哪裏?

I have been to City Hall. 我去過大會堂。

5) 過去完成式 Past Perfect Tense:

表示: 過去某一時間之前已經完成的動作或狀態

had + 動詞的過去分詞

2010-10-20 18:13:28 補充:
6) 將來完成式 Future Prefect Tense:

will ( shall ) have + 動詞的過去分詞

表示: 將來某一時間之前已經完成的動作或狀態




eg. We will have completed the work before you come. 在你來之前,我們將完成工作。

eg. When I have taken my supper, I will take a walk with you. 當我吃完晚餐時,我將和你散步。

2010-10-20 18:18:51 補充:
2010-10-21 2:29 am

The English Tense System

The links below are to lessons for each of the 12 basic tenses. In each lesson we look at two aspects of the tense:

* Structure: How do we make the tense?
* Use: When and why do we use the tense?

Some lessons look at additional aspects, and most of them finish with a quiz to check your understanding.
Many English learners worry too much about tense. If you stopped 100 native English speakers in the street and asked them about tense, 1 of them might give you an intelligent answer - if you were lucky. The other 99 would know little about terms like "past perfect" or "present continuous". And they would know nothing about aspect, voice or mood. But they can all speak fluent English and communicate effectively. Of course, for ESL it helps to know about tenses, but don't become obsessed with them. Be like those native speakers! Speak naturally!

Present Tense
I do do, I do
Present Continuous Tense
I am doing, I am doing tomorrow
Present Perfect Tense
I have done
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
I have been doing

Past Tense
I did do, I did
Past Continuous Tense
I was doing
Past Perfect Tense
I had done
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
I had been doing

Future Tense
I will do
Future Continuous Tense
I will be doing
Future Perfect Tense
I will have done
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
I will have been doing
2010-10-21 1:53 am
Simple past tense:
He met his teacher in the church last Sunday.
They went to visit their injured friend yesterday.

Present perfect tense:
I have just finished my homework.
She has gone to bed already.

Present continuous tense:
I have been living in Hong Kong for over twenty years.
He has been studying in this school since he was twelve years old.

Past perfect tense:
She had lost her handbag before she went into the restaurant.
I had told my mother before I left home to see my cousin sister.

Passive voice
Simple present passive voice:
May is deeply loved by her boy friend.
The students are punished by their teachers.

Simple past passive voice:
Judy was dated by a boy from another school.
They were cautioned by their teacher for being late.

Simple future passive voice:
I shall be given a good present by my parents for my birthday tomorrow.
He will be promoted by his boss if works well in the office.

Present perfect passive voice:
The whole pizza has been eaten by John alone.
I have been taught a good lesson by my father for my misbehaviour.

Past perfect passive voice:
The girl had been killed by the murderer( before her body was dumped into
the river).
My money had been stolen by a thief( before I got home).
上述被括著的可以不寫在句中,但 我刻意寫出令你容易明白。第一句 dumped
已是過去式動詞,但killed發生在dumped之前, 所以要用過去完成被動詞 had
been killed了。第二句亦同一理由也。

Agreement is a grammatical arrangement so that the verb must agree with
the subject in Number and Person.
句子的動詞一定要和主詞的多寡(He, They)和是第幾身(I 用 am, She 用 is)適
當配合, 如下:
He goes, They go.對 He go, They goes.錯
I eat, She eats.對 I eats, She eat.錯

He is, They are.對 He are, They is.錯
I am, She is.對 I is, She am.錯

Phrasal verbs:
Phrasal verb is a combination of a verb with an adverb or a preposition or both to form a new meaning.動詞詞組是一個動詞連同一個副詞(adverb)或一個介詞(preposition)或連同兩樣而變成一個新意思,如 go in for, see to,
win through等多不勝數, 你多看書便會學到了如:
You must work hard to win through all difficulties.(衝破萬難)
Stop arguing now ! I 'll see to the matter later.(查察真相)
He is aiming to go in for both wealth and honour.(名利相收)
參考: my friend and me

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