computer art. 高手請入

2010-10-20 4:28 pm
the IBM shaort floating point representation uses base6 ,one sign bit ,a 7-bit excess 64 exponent ,and a normalized 24 bit fraction (normalization :the point is on the left side of the leftmost non-zero digit )

what number is represent by the following bit pattern ?
1 0111111 011100000000000000000000

show your answer in decimal

我主要唔明 fraction 轉換個part
show 一show 個step ,plx

回答 (2)

2010-10-21 6:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
I believe there is a mistake in the base which should be base 16.


2010-10-20 22:30:38 補充:
2010-10-20 7:27 pm
Given two upper triangular matrices,

A = [ a1 * . . * ], B = [ b1 * . . * ]
0 a2 . . * 0 b2 . . *
: : : : : :
0 0 . . an 0 0 . . bn

their multiplication is still upper triangular, with the diagonal entries simply multiplied together (the other entries are more complicated).

AB = [ a1b1 * . . * ]
0 a2b2 . . *
: : :
0 0 . . anbn

The similar statement is true for the multiplication of two lower triangular matrices.

For two diagonal matrices,

A = [ a1 0 . . 0 ], B = [ b1 0 . . 0 ]
0 a2 . . 0 0 b2 . . 0
: : : : : :
0 0 . . an 0 0 . . bn

their multiplication is still diagonal, with the diagonal entries simply multiplied together.

AB = [ a1b1 0 . . 0 ]
0 a2b2 . . 0
: : :
0 0 . . anbn

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:24:12
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