公司註冊證是否等於商業登記證 ?

2010-10-20 2:05 am
公司註冊證是否等於商業登記證 ?

回答 (2)

2010-10-20 4:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
If it is a limited company, there is a Certificate of Incorporation issued by the Comapnies Registry. The limited company has still to get a Business Registration Certificate (BR) from the Inland Revenue Department. 2 certificates
If it is a sole proprietorship or a partnership, then the firm/ company has only to get a Business Registration Certificate from the Inland Revenue Department 1 certificate.
In normal case, you can just produce the BR as an evidence that a business has been registered.
2010-10-21 1:25 am
你可以上睇 38商機網 下可不可以幫到閣下解決問題!

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