Does anyone know how much a loaf of bread is in China, in USA dollars?

2010-10-19 12:59 am

回答 (5)

2010-10-19 1:20 am
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Prices vary based upon what city you are in, the size of the loaf, type of bread, and store that you buy it in.

An average sized loaf of bread sold at Carrefour or Trustmart in a major city is 4 yuan (US$0.60). A loaf of specialty bread sold an upscale bakery like 85 Degrees or Christine is 12 yuan (US$1.60). If you are in the countryside and buy from a mom-and-pop bakery, then the price is lower.
2010-10-19 5:14 pm
city: hong kong
us$2 for a loaf of bread, in average.
2010-10-19 2:38 pm
In the northwest, a loaf of whole wheat bread (about half the size of an American loaf) is 7.80 yuan . . . about $1.20 US.
2016-04-23 5:18 am
Economics will always be and right now they are not good for those who depend on their paycheck as their source to survive in this life. This is a time when people have to get real with themselves, especially when the children start crying they are hungry and you don't have gas to get to work and your job is too far to walk or catch the bus. This is not the first time we have been here and it won't be the last but the true answer to all of this is Jesus. I am not talking about religion, I am talking about a true relationship with Christ who can and will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory. I know Him to be a provider when the bank accounts were empty and the frig too. It's time for all God's people to cry out to Him and forget about the govt for fixing something they can't. This is a people mission, and it will be done on our knees and in our closets. This started the downward spiral when we starting taking God out of everything. People were confused by the loud screams of the naysayers and now we have no prayer in school, just murder, drugs , sex and children and teachers scared to go. We allowed one person to scream loud now we have the blood of countless babies on our hands thru abortion. And lets not forget, marriage, which can only be made by God, the one and true God that made, Eve, a woman and took her from Adam, a man and the two would be one flesh, how can people be so confused to not know what they truly are when God made it plain. That's like looking at a car and saying it's a boat because you feel like it. Put it in water and it will sink, just like those who choose to go against God, an abomination is what God calls it, their life expectancies are cut in half, have you seen any old homosexuals. People we have to wake up and turn back to what this country was birthed off and that is God. Our systems are about to explode because of the disregard for whats right not according to the President or gov't but according to God, the author and the finisher of everyone's fate.
2010-10-21 10:42 am
Xiamen: 6 yuan, so around 1 USD.

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