If the tables were turned...?

2010-10-18 3:19 pm
and dogs owned humans, would they be better owners than we humans are?

Why? Or why not?

(Not a lot of questions this morning...so helping get the flow going.)

But you'd BE the dumb animal in this make believe topsy turvy world. LOL (This is just for fun.)


LOL - I might mention we were talking about the part of Gulliver's Travels with the Houynyms (I know I butchered that spelling. Sorry.) So it's got me thinking what if dogs were the superior species and humans on the level of the dogs.


Aphrodite - Yep. It makes sense. (I just really do not want it to be Monday. LOL)


@ DeeDAwg - ok you just made me snort my soda laughing out loud. EWWWWWWWWWWWW! I hadn't thought of that. I'm a vegetarian too! WAH!!!

回答 (17)

2010-10-18 3:56 pm
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well, communication would be clear- for anyone who can read canine body language- but if they were wild dogs raising us, i'm not so sure how happy i'd be about eating meat that has been vomited up for me. YECH.
2010-10-18 3:26 pm
Funny thing is that there are already many people who actually feel that way......owned by a Yorkie, owned by a Rott, owned by a Poodle, etc. Would they be better owners? No way! I don't think a dog will ever be chauffeuring me around in their car and washing my bedding. lol
2010-10-18 3:25 pm
Yes and no I guess...although if we ended up in a position where an animal like a dog owned us....I would hope mass euthanization still existed lol.

I mean I think the biggest obstacle in people training their dog is that they don't comprehend that dogs don't think the same way we do. So I'm assuming it wouldn't be any different for them.

They may be better in understanding that the household needs "structure" between owners and pets and they would probably be better in corrections because they think more in black and white terms without so many grey areas like we tend to believe there are in dog behaviour (because we are human and believe in grey areas lol).

But they would be horrible with keeping us indoors - they'd be like 'why shouldn't my human chase that squirrel across the street?' We would likely be hit by a lot of cars and other horrible things because dogs have really no sense of what is dangerous.

ADD: Well you can't add that into the mix! lol
If we were the dumb animal that would mean dogs were more intelligent than humans and then whatever we think a dog would be like in terms of an owner would be completely thrown out the window because then it's like discussing an animal that doesn't exist - does that make sense? lol

ADD2: I hear ya on the Monday thing! lol
2010-10-18 4:15 pm
Heavens no.

A dog wouldn't be putting out food for you anytime soon.....you would have to fend for yourself, and the best parts would go to the dog, not you.

Have you ever heard the terms "its a dog eat dog world" and "dog in the manger"? :o)

Dogs are intrinsically selfish.....people in general tend to be more generous and willing to share.
參考: lots o dogs
2010-10-18 3:52 pm
No, because a dog's brain isn't able to understand the concept of having proprietorial rights over anything & owning it, & would not be able to understand nor provide a different species with the things it needed to survive.

Humans have a tough enough time grappling with the canine mind; it would fails abysmally the other way around.
2010-10-18 3:30 pm
If dogs were the "more intelligent" of the species and humans were the "dumb animal" then I suppose human ownership would be similar to how dog ownership is now. There would still be bad owners and good owners and the more intelligent of the species would still not be intelligent enough to know exactly what the "dumb animals" were thinking.
2010-10-18 3:34 pm
I can see my short haired chihuahua dressing me up in all these ridiculous winter coats as pay back. (She hates her winter coats, but if I take her outside in the winter without it she wont go potty).

I don't think they would put half has much effort in cooking as humans do. My dogs have no patience. Everything would be raw....

It's really hard to say who would be better owners. Hmmm this reminds me of a Pendragon book where cats are in charge. (Now THAT is a world I would never want to live in ) :p
2016-12-05 3:01 pm
such as you pronounced, it have been 2 years. and because you're saying he tutored you in Spanish, i'm assuming which you the two are in extreme college. human beings replace lots in those years. pondering you in all hazard did no longer communicate with him after the wreck-up, something would have exceeded off to him that replaced his outlook on life. You in no way be attentive to.
2010-10-18 3:51 pm
I don't think I could give a better answer than Julie D. LOL!!!
2010-10-18 3:25 pm
I think they probably would be. Dogs don't have the same rational thought as humans do, and it's relatively a black and white world for them. Without the rational thought, they don't have the irrational thought either. Living in a black and white world, with only a few things in mind (food, water and shelter), I think would make them better owners. Then again, that line of thinking could go the other way, too.

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