電腦outlook express位置

2010-10-18 10:34 pm
請問window電腦入面既outlook express 儲存既位置係邊呀??~~

回答 (2)

2010-10-19 1:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果你可以直打開 Outlook Express, 可以試以下方法找到儲存位置
1. 打開 Outlook Express
2. 點擊目錄 Tools--Options (在最後那項)
3. 跳出一個新窗, 點擊頁 Maintenance
4. Click按鈕 Store Folder, 跳出另一個新窗,格內會列出整個儲存位置
2010-10-19 12:11 am
Outlook Express stores email messages in DBX files which are located in the path : %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\{Identity-GUID}\Microsoft\Outlook Express\Refer to below Section A for a description of %USERPROFILE% thing; you will also need to adjust Windows Explorer settings to show hidden objects - the Local Settings folder is hidden from view with the default system settings. {Identity-GUID} - Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) associated with the specific user identity, something like {1234567890-12AB-CD34-EF12-123456789ABC}. Outlook Express stores message folders in separate .dbx files, one folder per file. The corresponding files are named according to their respective Outlook Express folder names. To create a backup copy of your email, you need to copy all the DBX files to a safe location.

Section A :
There are several folders of interest buried somewhere deep into the filesystem. These folders are part of the so called "user profile", holding most of the data associated with your Windows user identity. In particular, email software uses these folders to keep its message bases in there. There is a quick way to get there Click Windows Start button Select Run Type in "%userprofile%" (without quotes) to get your profile folder, or %appdata%" (without quotes) for an Application Data folder. Click OK


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