To what extent are we products of our respective environments?

2010-10-17 10:47 pm

回答 (2)

2010-10-17 10:56 pm

You can keep blaming your environment for your actions up to a certain extent.

When you finally go to prison this should be the wake-up call.
From that point on you understand that your actions have
consequences - no more blaming somebody else.

Ultimately you will end up where you wish to be if you live long enough to have
the time to pursue what you want. You can't blame somebody else forever.

Whether we are examining goor or bad things that you do in life,
there comes a time when you make your own decisions and you can
no longer attribute blame or even credit to the environment.
2010-10-17 10:50 pm
we are a product that is also labeled by numbered an put in file , so i would say the extent until your are no longer able to serve civilization or till your dead.

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