
2010-10-18 5:24 am
對不起, 咁遲才send 番d相給你....

回答 (5)

2010-10-18 6:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sorry, I send you these photos too late.
2010-10-18 10:30 am
1) (formal)
If you would please accept my apologise for I have sent you these photographs
with delay.

2) (casual)
Pardon me for not sending you these photos earlier.

3) (casual)
Sorry for not having sent you these pictures in time.
2010-10-18 5:52 am
I am sorry for belated sending the photos to you.
2010-10-18 5:44 am
sorry for my late photo sending
2010-10-18 5:35 am
I apologize for sending you the photos late.

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