
2010-10-18 2:22 am
31 Dec The inventory on hand was correctly counted and its cost was determined to be $9,650,000. The accounting records, however, indicate inventory of $9,740,350 and a cost of goods sold of $30,268,000


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2010-10-18 3:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
As the ending inventory is correctly counted and it should be correctly stated in the books.
The ending inventory is overstated in the books by $9,740,350 - $9,650,000 = $90,350. Therefore, the difference should be adjusted by Dr. Cost of Goods Sold and Cr. Inventory by $90,350. The correct amount as stated in the books should therefore be cost of Goods Sold $ 30,358,360 and the Inventory $$9,650,000.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 20:39:57
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