心理學...English words...(20)

2010-10-17 10:16 pm
I want many words that are about Psychology in eng . (at least ten words)


Thanks a lot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks a lot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks a lot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

我想要中英對照 !!!!!!!!!!!

by the way, I want to ask is ' do you mind if i open the window ' this sentence correct ? or I must say ' do you mind opening the window.'

回答 (2)

2010-10-27 7:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
心靈 / psyche本我 / id自我 / ego超我 / super-ego認知 / Cognitive意識 / Conscious潛意識 / Subconscious學習 / Learning古典制約(條件)作用 / Classical conditioning操作制約(條件)作用/ Operant conditioning記憶 / Memory短期記憶 / Short-term Memory期記憶 / Long-term Memory行為障礙 / Disorder of behaviour記憶障礙 / Disorder of memory知覺障礙 / Disorder of perception思想障礙 / Disorder of thought發展心理學 / Developmental Psychology行為心理學 / Behavioral Psychology人格心理學 / Personality Psychology社會心理學 / Social Psychology變態心理學等 / Abnormal Psychology健康心理學 / Health Psychology ......
2010-10-27 7:29 am
Correct one - Do you mind if i open the window

Mental function in individual - 個人的心理機能

Social behaviour ﹣ 社會行為

Perception - 感覺

Cognition ﹣ 認知

Attention ﹣ 注意力

Emotion ﹣ 情緒

Motivation ﹣ 推動力

Brain functioning ﹣ 腦工能

Personality ﹣ 性格

Behavior ﹣ 行為

Interpersonal relationship ﹣ 人際關係

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