Urgent!!! My dog is an extremely fussy eater!!!!?

2010-10-17 7:55 am
My dog refuses to eat dry doggie biscuits (which is what the vet recommends) he is 10 months old, we tried to make him eat it but he sniffs it and walks away, so we started giving him boiled meat (with bones) and rice and he ate it and loved it, but now he only eats the meat and leaves the rice and that is all he eats!!!! I am very worried!. He refuses to eat dry food i keep it in a little bowl beside his wet food and it is left. A friend suggested just leaving it there and he will eventually eat it, but he is quite slim so i tried it and he went a day without eating. I am worried PLEASE HELP!!

My dog refuses to eat dry doggie kibble (which is what the vet recommends) he is 10 months old, we tried to make him eat it but he sniffs it and walks away, so we started giving him boiled meat (with bones) and rice and he ate it and loved it, but now he only eats the meat and leaves the rice and that is all he eats!!!! I am very worried!. He refuses to eat dry food i keep it in a little bowl beside his wet food and it is left. A friend suggested just leaving it there and he will eventually eat it, but he is quite slim so i tried it and he went a day without eating. I am worried PLEASE HELP!!


He is a 10 month old sydney silky

回答 (11)

2010-10-17 8:19 am
Only you can spoil your dog, unless he's smart enought to to get in the fridge and prepare his own food.
YOU put out dry food nothing else, So what if your spoiled poochie doesn't eat for a day or even two. Dogs will not starve themselves to death.
2010-10-17 9:12 am
see what your vet says about a raw diet. this is a very good diet and will give him everything he needs. you can get cuts of meat chep and even give him the bones. however make sure that these are NEVER cooked! my german shepherd was fed on a raw diet and he loved every bit its nice to see them enjoy what they eat. he ate chicken theighs, necks etc.
your vet should say its fine and healthy as this is what wild dogs (wolves) eat.
2010-10-17 8:46 am
A healthy dog will not starve himself to death. Put the kibble in the bowl, put the bowl on the floor. Leave it for 20 minutes. Then pick up anything that's left and put it away. Try again next meal time. He gets NOTHING else to eat (no wet food, no treats), and don't put the food down again until the next scheduled meal time. When he figures out you're not going to cave and give him something "better", he'll eat it. It won't hurt him to go without food for a few days while he's figuring that out, provided he's not got a major health issue He's manipulating you. He's a dog. You give him no other option.
2010-10-17 8:30 am
I think he has you very well trained. Give him what he is supposed to have though the biscuits would have a lot of cereal. Canines are meat eaters. Go to a pet store and buy a good quality dog food that is meat based. Put it down for twenty minutes, He will eat it or not. If he does not eat it he has to wait until the next feeding even if it is the next day. He has to skip the third meal before he gets a switch. He is waiting for you to get something else. Can you borrow a good eater for a couple of days? Sometimes competition does the trick. feed them in separate bowls and watch. I will bet the other dog will not eat his food twice. I do now have two dogs however and they both eat all their own food. I feed Natural Balance dog food. Dry dog biscuits sound awful. My dogs are well muscled and shiny sleek coats. The one is a rescue that came with bones showing and flaky dry skin and dull coat now six months later she is a beauty.
參考: A very old dog lover
2010-10-17 8:14 am
Cooked meat is fine, raw is better but NEVER give your dog cooked bones. Cooking makes them brittle and they can splinter and pierce his stomach and intestines.

There's no nutritional value in rice for a dog, it's just a filler so I wouldn't bother giving it to him.

I feed my dogs raw with plenty of raw meaty bones. None of them have ever needed their teeth cleaned and they all have healthy, shiny coats.
2010-10-17 8:12 am
Biscuits aren't needed in his diet; they're treats or extras. Not a big deal if he won't eat them. Have you tried other brands? Try another brand or flavor before you give up on biscuits. If he's got other things to chew on, he doesn't even need biscuits.

Your dog WILL eat when he's hungry. Even if it takes two days (I know! GASP! He'll live, I promise!) Boiled meat and rice isn't a good diet to stick with, it's really only for the occasions when there is tummy upset and something mild is needed. If you want to start him down this picky eater path, you will probably need to cook for him- daily. RESEARCH a proper canine diet though.. rice and meat isn't going to be adequate. If you aren't looking forward to cooking for him daily, choose what you are going to feed him (if the wet food isn't required, don't put that in with the dry) . Leave it down for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, food goes away until next feeding. Use your willpower... don't give in. He won't starve, I promise. He'll eat his kibble. Eventually. :) He'll learn that when food goes down, time to eat! :) (EDIT: NEVER give your dog cooked bones of any kind. Raw bones are fine; yes even chicken bones. They crunch them into pieces and they don't splinter when they're raw. I gave my dogs raw chicken wings and necks for over 10 years (and will start with my new dog shortly) with no problems.)

(Now, after having said that I do add things to my dog's kibble. :) Daily. He'll get yogurt, left over veggies (green beans, carrot and peas mostly) applesauce (unsweetened/natural) or gravy (I make special gravy for him without salt and seasonings, just meat juice and flour- so naturally it's not often LOL), pretty much anything we have leftover from dinner or in the fridge. Not a lot either, I don't think it works out to be more than 2 tablespoons, if that. He'll eat his dry kibble during the morning and after dinner he gets the mix-ins. I divide his portions, since he's fed twice a day. Slowly mix the wet food back in. I used to mix and smoosh it with warm water, so it was harder to "pick out" and it made a psuedo- gravy on the kibble.)
2010-10-17 8:00 am
One of my dogs was really fussy as well when she was a puppy. She wouldn't eat anything! We found she would eat if we hand fed her each piece..which I did..but after awhile we found some dog food gravy stuff at a pet store that you can put on dry dog food. After we put that stuff on her food she had no problems eating from her bowl. After the bottle ran out, she just kept eating from the bowl, so we didn't bother buying another bottle of gravy. So, you could try hand feeding him, or look for something to put on his food to help him like it.
參考: My experience with my 4 dogs :)
2010-10-17 1:15 pm
Try giving him the boiled meat and rice AFTER you've run it thru the blender then MIX it with the dry food.
I too have a fussy eater and went thru absolute HELL trying to get him to eat. Vet said not to worry that he'd not eat the food he was weaned on a full day or 2. He'd eat when he got hungry. OH NO HE DIDN'T! At 13 weeks of age he went 5 full days without touching the food. I finally mixed it with can dog food and he scarfed it for several weeks then he got tired of it and I had to find something else to mix it with finally the little monster got to where he'd only eat if I spoon fed him. He apparently didn't want to eat alone. We eventually outgrew the problem but it took many food changes to finally find a dry food he'd eat and didn't tire of in a few weeks or months. We finally bought a bag of Canidae and he's happy with it so problem is solved.
2010-10-17 8:09 am
My dog did a similar thing when she was little. We just mixed juice from meat or really anything that your dog likes the flavor of into the dry food. but only the juice! then don't give him the option of dry or wet only give him one. even if you do dry in the morning and wet food in the evening but not both at the same time. Maybe it hurts his teeth to chew it too you can try adding a little warm water to it to soften it up. about as much to have the water level as deep as the food in the bowl.
If you do the juice way just add enough that it coats the food. stir it up good so all the pieces are completely coated. this will make the food seem more appetizing so he might eat it. My dog loved it when we added juice or water and heated it in the microwave for about 45 seconds. She is not nearly as picky about her food anymore she is 4 years old. I know thats quite a bit older than your dog but hopefully he gets over it! Good Luck I hope he starts eating!
Also if he goes very long refusing food I would at least call your vet or take him in. It could be serious!
PS you didnt say what kind of meat but make sure its not chicken or turkey if you are leaving the bones in. the bones from birds break easily and if he eats them can be very bad inside his body.
參考: picky dog owner, worked at animal hospital for the summer.I'm not a vet tech or anything but i heard plenty of stories :)
2010-10-17 8:11 am
Mince the meat and mix in a little bit of kibbles like 9:1. He might be so naughty that he spits out the kibbles after eating off the minced meat surrounding it. But later on he won't bother and will just eat the lot. Then you change the ratio to 8:1 and gradually going down to 0:1 .)

Walk him before you feed him. This would help.

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