my toshiba laptop is slower then the laptop with the same specs i saw in the store?

2010-10-17 2:59 am
how do i make it the same speed as the one in the store. they have the same specs.

回答 (3)

2010-10-17 3:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
the safest way you need to clean up your system from junk files.. You should run
1. disk clean up
2. defrag
3. error checking utility
to do this you need to go My computer> right click on drive "C" > choose properties. here you can see the first tool " disk clean up" after this select the "tool" tab" you will be able to see the "disk check" and the "defrag". when using the disk check utility be sure to put a check mark on the two boxes. 1 the auto fix errors and 2 the scan and recover errors... then select start.. you will be prompted if you wan to schedule it on the next restart then. select yest..At this point the error checking will be done when you restart your computer. Don't panic if the screen terns blue. It will restart to a dos prompt mode to have exclusive access to the hard drive. this will take for a while..

After the those three things you still have things to do.. On you internet browser select tools then internet options. On the browsing history select delete all. then ok then restart your browser.

one last thing you can do to speed up ypur computer.. download advance system care free from this will clean your system really good. After installing this. it will automatically scan select stop scanning. then push the middle circle that has a logo "care". This will automatically scan and fix the problem it finds with your system....after doing this you computer will be much faster than it was bought ...good luck
2010-10-17 10:06 am
Do a disk cleanup to free up more room in your hard drive. Do a defragmentation of the hard drive to speed up accessing your files. Install and run anti-virus and anti-spyware to make sure no viruses or trojan horses are slowing down your computer.
2010-10-17 10:06 am
Well, Remember that those computer u see in the store are being monatered to make sure that they look good. plus the computer is sorroundeed by a bunch of computer geeks that can fix virtually any problem. U also might have to lots of software updated to your computer that is taking up space (not a enoph storage) Also u might have a virus. (that ha[ppened to me on my dell)
-Hope i helped
參考: -my dad

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