數學上的問題-0- remainder theorem

2010-10-17 3:28 am
Let f(x) = x^99 +k
When f(x) is divided by x+1, the remainder is 1.
Hence, find the remainder when 9^99 is divided by 10.


回答 (1)

2010-10-17 7:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let f(x) = x^99 +k
When f(x) is divided by x+1, the remainder is 1.
Hence, find the remainder when 9^99 is divided by 10.Solx+1=0x=-1f(-1)=(-1)^99+k=k-1=1k=2f(x)=x^99+2x^99+2=q(x)(x+1)+19^99+2=q(9)*10+19^99=[q(9)-1]*10+9the remainder when 9^99 is divided by 10.is 9

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