F.4 GEOG...急

2010-10-16 8:54 am
Explain the formation of mountain along the destructive place boundaries in relation to plate movement.

回答 (2)

2010-10-23 1:22 am
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As u know, the earth is divided into many plates and the plates have cracks, joints and line of weakness.

There are 2 types of plates - Oceanic plate and Continental plate

In a destructive plate boundary, the 2 plate, oceanic and continental, collide with one another. As the oceanic plate is heavier, it will be subducted under the continental plate. As a result, the collision leads to the 2 plates to break, as the plates break, magma will come out through the line of weakness. As magma had reached to the earth's surface, it cools and become lava forming new crust on the earth's surface.

When 2 plates collide, there will be pressure, so it will led to the formation of fold mountain. here is a diagram

參考: me
2010-10-19 4:27 am
勞倫大陸與波羅地大陸的碰撞閉合了巨神海的北面,並形成了「老紅砂岩」(Old Red Sandstone)大陸(歐美大陸)。珊瑚礁擴張,陸生植物開始覆蓋荒蕪的大陸。
大陸碰撞導致斯堪地那維亞半島上的加里東山脈(Caledonide Mts.)的形成,以及大不列顛北部、格陵蘭和北美東海岸的阿帕拉契山脈(Appalachian Mts.)的形成。
石炭紀早期,歐美大陸(Euramerica)和岡瓦那大陸間的古生代海洋閉合,形成阿帕拉契山脈(Appalachian Mts.)和維利斯堪山脈(Variscan Mts.)。


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