solve the highier temperature

2010-10-15 11:01 pm
what should the Hong Kong government and the pubilc do to reduce the highier
temperature ?????????

please answer point by point.

回答 (3)

2010-10-16 1:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
You mean to reduce the higher temperature, it should be decrease the temperature.

Reduce the emissions of CO2.Save energy Use resources to its maximum,do not waste any resourcesdaily habits ( e.g: turn off the electrical applicances when you are not using them )educate the public on the awareness of saving energy.warn the public about the serious effects of global warminguse posters to remind the public to save energy.etc.....
參考: me
2010-10-16 5:17 pm
* Is still interested in playing
* Is eating and drinking well
* Is alert and smiling at you
* Has a normal skin color
* Looks well when their temperature comes down

Take steps to lower a fever if you or your child is uncomfortable, vomiting, dried out (dehydrated), or not sleeping well. Remember, the goal is to lower, not eliminate, the fever.

When trying to lower a fever:

* Do NOT bundle up someone who has the chills.
* Remove excess clothing or blankets. The room should be comfortable, not too hot or cool. Try one layer of lightweight clothing, and one lightweight blanket for sleep. If the room is hot or stuffy, a fan may help.
* A lukewarm bath or sponge bath may help cool someone with a fever. This is especially effective after medication is given -- otherwise the temperature might bounce right back up.
* Do NOT use cold baths, ice, or alcohol rubs. These cool the skin, but often make the situation worse by causing shivering, which raises the core body temperature.
2010-10-16 2:19 am


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