英文句子問題 請翻譯

2010-10-15 8:48 am
o岩o岩上twitter見到一句: we are lovin' us some hong kong
遮係點樣 ?! 咩意思?

回答 (3)

2010-10-15 6:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
we are lovin' us some hong kong= not correct

I think it means :

We are loving our Hong Kong. 我們愛我們的香港

We are lovin' our Hong Kong = same but lovin' is used for conversation not written English
2010-10-16 2:26 am


2010-10-15 7:58 pm
Actually it is quite a common phrase (together with "I am loving me some xxx") to express one affectionates with somebody or something, and certainly it is an informal phrase.

2010-10-15 11:58:36 補充:
Some of my friends use this expression to say "I am interested in" and I think the degree of affection/addiction varies from person to person

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