Windows xp問題?

2010-10-15 3:25 am
我移除左(Foxy) & (Speed Up My Pc),點解會在工作列及[開始]功能表內容--自定

會見到(Foxy) & (Speed Up My Pc)的圖示?


回答 (2)

2010-10-15 3:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
因為Windows xp會自動幫你放一些最近開過的程式係[開始]功能表內容裡面,你刪左之後,佢仲會係到,不過係開唔返架!你只要動一動對住個程式按右鍵跟住delete就可以刪除佢架啦!
參考: me
2010-10-15 3:31 am
You can try these: ( choose 1 only each time )

1. You have to delete the shortcut in the destop first;

2. You can go to the 控制台 ge 程式 in order to remove the software

3. You can delete the software shortcut in the 工作列及[開始]功能表.

Restart the computer. (MUST)

2010-10-14 19:32:08 補充:
因為Windows xp會自動幫你放一些最近開過的程式係[開始]功能表內容裡面,你刪左之後,佢仲會係到,不過係開唔返架!你只要動一動對住個程式按右鍵跟住delete就可以刪除佢架啦!
參考: me, ABC

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