If I sell something on eBay or Amazon, do I have to report the payment as "income"?

2010-10-13 10:49 pm
Is there a dollar limit beyond which I have to pay tax to Uncle Sam? I am talking about non-commercial sale here, like a dvd that I no longer want to keep.

回答 (2)

2010-10-13 11:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
personal items sold at a loss, such as used DVDs, do NOT create a business and the cash received is NOT business income.

Business income arises from transactions entered into in order to make a profit.
參考: retired cpa
2010-10-14 6:14 am
I believe the income has to be up to a certain amount and remember income = expenses - cash received. Meaning write off how much you originally paid for the item and subtract it from how much you made through selling it...you may actually never make a profit. Good luck! Oh yeah profit- in the accounting sense- means revenue made after expenses. You are still going to receive money, but just not more than what you paid for.

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