need(冇s) not,咁第3身 need to有冇s?

2010-10-14 7:08 am
He need not go to school.

呀sir今日教,話呢度個 need 唔洗加(s), not 後面都唔洗加(s),縱使subject係第3身單數(he)都好,定理永不變.

He need to go to school. 此句中既need又洗唔洗加s呢???

回答 (1)

2010-10-14 7:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
He need to go to school. 此句中既need又洗唔洗加s呢??? 一定要加 "s"...... 第三身單數 ..........He needs to eat ..............He needs to buy a new .........He needs money ............He needs some food .............

2010-10-14 00:09:51 補充:
1) 根據主詞改變,如:
I need some help.
He needs some help. (有 s)

(2) 配 to + infinitive ,如:
I need to do my homework.

(3) 在問句或否定句中,要加 do 字,如:
Do you need any help?
He does not need to do anything.

2010-10-14 00:10:45 補充:
(4) 不會根據主詞改動,如:
He should not leave now. (沒有 s)
He need not go so soon. (沒有 s)

(5) 配 infinitive without to ,如:
I should do my homework. (不是 I should to do my homework.)
I don't think he need go so soon. (不是 I don't think he need to go so soon.)


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