
2010-10-14 6:40 am
"申請按揭檔案已由1234 轉為4321是由於業權轉變 . 新的申請人叫xxx.
新的申請表在2月10日收到, 申請手續正在進行中."

想翻譯以上"句子"成英文, 想有連貫性和正確文法. 敬請賜答

回答 (4)

2010-10-16 5:10 pm
The application for the mortgage files have been changed by 1234 4321 is due to the ownership change. New applicant named xxx.
New application in the 10 February received, the application procedure is in progress. "

Want to translate the above "sentences" into English, would like to have coherence and correct grammar. Please send for
2010-10-14 6:53 am
Due to change of ownership of the property, the mortgage application number is changed from 1234 to 4321. New applicant is xxx and his/her applciation form was received on 10 February 2010. The new application is still in progress.
2010-10-14 6:43 am
"Mortgage application files from 1234 into 4321 is due to change of ownership. New applicants called xxx. A new application form received on February 10, the application procedures in progress."
2010-10-14 6:41 am
"Mortgage application files from 1234 into 4321 is due to change of ownership. New applicants called xxx.
The new application forms received in the February 10, the application procedures in progress. "
參考: Me

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