20點 幫我check句子嘅language同grammar

2010-10-14 4:58 am

- 如果句子啱嘅,請話俾我知啱- 如果我有language 或者grammar錯,請幫我改正- 如果我嘅寫法不太好,請幫我改一改- 如果我有d詞語用得不太好,請幫我改一改- 有d我打中文嘅,請幫我翻譯做英文(我係f.4)

1. Liberal Studies is a 吹水科 and it doesn’t has 固定的答案.2. I have to多留意時事 so that I can get good results.3. When I was a junior student, I used to study by rote.4. This bad study habits is not available anyone as now I am a senior student and have lots of things to memorize.5. I have to prepare the lessons before having the classes so that I can learn easily6. I have to revise everyday and keep study bit by bit.7. My goals of this year is being a second class honour student and go to university in the future.8. Both of us have to study hard and support each other.9. I am looking forward to your good news.10. 加油!嘅英文係咩?

回答 (3)

2010-10-14 5:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Liberal Studies is a course based on discussions and it doesn’t have definite or fixed answers.2. I have to pay attention to news so that I can get good results.3. When I was a junior student, I used to study by rote. [對]4. This poor study habits is not good for anyone even now as I am a senior student and have lots of things to memorize. [bad也不是錯,只是不太英語, available你想說甚麼to anyone?]5. I have to pre-study the lessons before having the classes so that I can learn better. [prepare the lessons英語的意思是老師的備課-當然你也是備課,但一般你不是預備教材那個人,所以prepare只適用於預備課程的那人。用better雖然改了少少意思,但easily是比較中文的語法,英語不會用easy來表達「人學習的程度(light)或難(hard)度」的,只會用來表逹「所學的東西」的深(difficult)淺(easy)度。這裏改用一個relative相對詞來表逹你期望會學得「更好」的含意。]6. I have to review everyday and keep study bit by bit. [revise是有錯的改正,我想不是你的意思,我改為review意思是你每天都審視你所學的和溫習。]7. My goal of this year is to be a second class honour student and go to university in the future. [你內容上只有一個目標goal單數-is,being是「就是」解,你是「未來才是」要用to be: is to be差不多是「想will be」的意思。 a 是其中/某一,但全班第一或第二只有一名,所以應用the first/the second...但是如果制度是可以有很多個second class honour的話,你對。]8. Both of us have to study hard and support each other. [句子本身冇錯,但在前面應該已經交代誰是us。]9. I am looking forward to your good news. [ok]10. 加油!嘅英文係咩? 「add oil」講笑的chinglish!Do your best! Try your best! Go get it! Go for it!等等
2010-10-15 2:52 am
yogi Knowledge leader,你好~~~


Strike for excellence:

2010-10-14 5:22 am


1. Liberal Studies is a subject that you can show your comment freely and it doesn’t have fixed answer. 2. I have to pay more attention on current affairs in order to get good results.3. When I was a junior student, I used to study by reciting.4. This bad study habits is not suitable to anyone(應該用 me,會好些?因為後面寫的是 I。) as I am a senior student now and have lots of things to memorize.5. I have to prepare the lessons before attending the classes so that I can learn easily.6. I have to revise and keep studying everyday.7. My goals of this year are being an outstanding student and going to university in the future.8. Both of us have to study hard and support each other.9. I am looking forward to hearing your good news.10. 你可以用些另類的文字,如 Strike for excellence(追求最好)、Make an extra effort(多加油)、I will support you(我會支持你的)


2010-10-14 20:45:25 補充:
參考: Yogi

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