
2010-10-13 6:15 pm


第一天下午的重頭戲 - 三棧溪朔溪。第一次朔溪,才知道這麼累,除了需要延著溪水走非常遠的路程,另外在中途還有跳水台讓想追求刺激的民眾跳水,我就是其中之一啦。


第二天,需要趕點行程,我們直接殺到台東,中間參觀了林田山木雕館與吉蒸牧場,接著就來到位於台東鹿野鄉的飛行傘跳台,就算是有教練帶,還是很恐怖,從這麼高的地方往下跳,真的心臟要夠強。不過真的很過癮,除了一開始跳下去時有點怕,到了空中坐穩後其實就還好,真的非常刺激。只是費用不便宜,要價 NT$1,500。公司這次對我們非常好,完全補助,但我覺得這個價位是可以接受的,體驗時間為15mins 左右,教練會帶著一起飛,安全裝備也足夠,很值得挑戰。


回答 (2)

2010-10-14 4:32 am
上一個是我的----應有字數限制 所以我改用另一個帳號 劇續為你解答
解答成功 請給上一個

The third day, the traveling schedule is mainly rides the bicycle in neighbor, passes through the green tunnel, everybody also lies down on the street photographs, in the afternoon visits located at Shoufeng Town sets up the Sichuan fishery, and has bought the local famous product in Algerian-US food. Then the extension rides evening's train, finished these three day of two night of Huadong crazy travel Luo.
題目: 介紹職員旅行我們的公司舉辦旅行的職員,地方清早是Huadong,第一天大家聚集在Taibei駐地,引伸修造太Lu Gehao殺害極大地和強有力到華聯羅。 第一天afternoon' s頂極-三堆積溪新月溪。 第一條新月溪,那时知道疲倦的這樣,除了需要延伸山小河走非常遠的距離,而且也有跳台在讓的中間地想要追求刺激平民潛水,我是他们中的一個。 然后晚飯都市區,到達想要吃任何东西吃,我們也吃地方著名餃子食用與排骨的湯麵條等等,買一個大包裹cripy雞準備晚上再來享用的旅館。 在非常想要到達來,這次有機會终于,真正地說, I好像來,不管是住房質量之前或風景,是一等等一個,我保證了必须再以后登記。 次日,需要组成时间旅程,我們直接地殺害臺東,中部參觀了林Tianshan木雕大廳和幸運的蒸汽牧場地,然后位于臺東Luye Town'到達; s飛行傘跳台,即使有帶來的訓練,是非常恐怖分子,從這樣高地方的向下躍遷,真正的心臟強烈想要夠。 然而非常真正地滿足熱衷,除了躍遷從最開始計時恐懼的一一点,在空中之後實際上幸運地堅持您的帽子,真正地刺激。 是僅費用不是便宜的,不打听價格NT$1,500。 公司這次是好對我們,完全地給津貼,但是我認為這個價格是可接受的,經驗时间是關於15mins,教練可以有發射,安全設施腳夠,非常也是值得挑戰。 第三天,旅程是主要乘駕在鄰居的自行車,穿过綠色隧道,大家在街道照片也躺下,在下午參觀位于Shoufeng鎮設定四川漁場和買了在阿爾及利亞美國食物的地方著名產品。 然后引伸乘坐evening' s火車,完成這些三天二Huadong瘋狂的旅行羅夜。
參考: 網路
2010-10-14 4:26 am
Topic: Introduced that the staff travels Our company conducts the staff traveling, the place is Huadong, the first day everybody gather early in the morning in the Taibei station, the extension builds too Lu Gehao on to kill enormously and powerful to Hualian Luo. First day of afternoon's climax - three stack brook new moon brook. The first new moon brook, only then knows such tired, except needs to extend the mountain stream to walk the very far distance, moreover also has the diving platform in the midway to let want to pursue the stimulation the populace diving, I am one of them. Then the supper arrives at the urban district, oneself want to eat anything to eat, we ate the local famous dumpling also to have the soup noodles with spareribs and so on, bought a large package cripy chicken preparation evening far to come the hotel again to enjoy. Before very wants to arrive comes far, this time has the opportunity finally, said really, I good like coming far, regardless of being the housing quality or the landscape, is one and so on one, I guaranteed that later must register again. Next day, needs to make up time the traveling schedule, we kill Taitung directly, middle visited the Lin Tianshan woodcarving hall and lucky steams the pasture, then arrives located at the Taitung Luye Town's flight umbrella diving platform, even if has the training to bring, is very terrorist, downward jumps from the such high place, the real heart wants strongly 夠. However really satisfies a craving very much, except jumps from the very beginning time a little feared, after airborne has held on to your hat actually fortunately, really stimulates. Is only the expense is not cheap, asks a price NT$1,500. The company this time is good to us, subsidizes completely, but I thought that this price is acceptable, the experience time is about 15mins, coach can have a launching, the safety installation foot 夠, very much is also worth challenging.
參考: 網路

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