I fell like every thing is building up and I keep getting more depressed?

2010-10-12 8:19 am
I have had bipolar in the past and I have ben moody a lot lately.I have all so ben thinking of death and dieing a lot too.I have ben in hospital before but do not wont to go back.Do you think I will come out of this on my own?

回答 (4)

2010-10-12 2:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
no, you need the support of others to get through it.

please talk with someone so you can get the help you deserve
2010-10-12 11:16 am
No, you need help.
2010-10-12 8:42 am
Do OSHO Meditation Everyday and Visit www.tapoban.com.I hope this site helps you in Meditation and Keep your Mental health healthy.
2010-10-12 8:34 am
is your psychiatrist/ medication helping you? what about joining a support group? it's hard to fight that by yourself

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