i just feel like im living day by day and wasting my life!?

2010-10-12 8:00 am
ima 19 yr old felon, lost my job, trying to hold a relationship together, and i just feel like i have nothing going for me i just wish i could of known some of the things i knew now, b4 i dont know what im doioing anymore

回答 (3)

2010-10-12 8:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
i hear you. having gone through some tough times myself recently, i feel like that sometimes.
but you're young, you have a bright future regardless of your past. and i hope you don't mind saying this, but God has a great plan for your life, despite your feelings right now. it is His plan for you to have an abundant life knowing Jesus, having meaningful relationships with your friends and family, and contributing your talents to the world.

When i was really depressed and even cursing God, i read this book, "In the Grip of Grace" by Max Lucado - take a look if you have time, very easy read and happy story.

I pray that Jesus finds you in this tough time in your life, that your life will be completely changed by His love and grace. Bless you with valuable friendships and wisdom to do the right things.

Jesus loves you. feel free to connect.
參考: myself, 26 now, gone through some tough times too still alive :)
2010-10-12 3:30 pm
you know actually pretty much everyone has moments where they wish they knew then what they know now... Even me... I try to tell others about things to help them avoid the same mistakes I've seen &/or experienced... we learn two ways through experience or advice... it's up to you to make your choices... Tomorrow is always a brand new start, it's up to you to decide what you will do... you can make crappy choices and regret it, or turn it around and move forward...
you have your whole life to look forward to and your past mistakes do suck and it does make things harder but you gotta keep your head up and keep all bulls*t to a minimum... keep seeking help with employment and find sources around your area to get some

You can check with the military (especially the Army or Navy) and talk to a recruiter and see if you can get a waiver for your felony... depending on the factors involved you may be able to enlist... that will give you housing, food, money, a new start... just one thing that does suck is adjusting to the life and the deployments but it's worth looking into...

but your choices that you make are up to you... and they directly effect your life, and you have to deal with the consequences (positive or negative)... as for your relationship... communicate, appreciate, compromise, and show affection and talk out your issues as they come up... that will get you far
2010-10-12 3:05 pm
Being a felon it is hard to get jobs...But not impossible. Be honest and friendly and put yourself out there...and the best advice...when you get a job KEEP IT. No matter what. When you have a record an employer is going to expect you to go above and beyond to prove yourself. I really wish more people would give those who do their time a chance it doesn't seem right to not hire someone because of their mistakes that they paid for. But unfortunately thats how it is. Keep your chin up, Work hard and prove yourself...Maybe the best thing for you to do is find what it is you really enjoy and want to do in life and go after it maybe start your own little business these things can be done it just takes time and perseverance so hang in there and good luck.

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