Christians, there is about as much "evidence" that your god exists as there is that any other god exist.?

2010-10-12 7:49 am
Whether that god be Yahweh, Allah, God, hindu, whatever. (TRUE OR FALSE) WHY?

What makes your god so much more right then any other god?

The bible is very inconsistent. It is people today who reinterpret the bible attempt to bring consistency to it.

回答 (10)

2010-10-12 8:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
There is only one true God and only one true faith. Satan, God's enemy has created counterfeit religions so you will be confused as you are.

Most try to make God fit their life, God has a purpose, he stated it at Gen 3:15. Matt 24:14 says that the good news about God's Kingdom, what Kingdom and what is the good news, this is what Satan does not want you to find out. John 17:3 says we can have life everlasting if we take in knowledge of the true God and his Son Jesus Christ. Do you know what is God's Kingdom? do you know what the good news is? I do so if you would like to know email me and ask, Now to answer your question.

King James Bible(And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by [the name of] God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them.Ex 6:3; That [men] may know that thou, whose name alone [is] JEHOVAH, [art] the most high over all the earth.Psalms 83:18;Behold, God [is] my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH [is] my strength and [my] song; he also is become my salvation.Isa 12:2;Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH [is] everlasting strength:Isa 26:4)

What did Jesus tell us to do at Matt 6:9: After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Some translation say "Let your name be sanctified" both mean "to make HOLY" God's name.

My God has a purpose for man, his word the Bible tells us this purpose, Christendom lead by Satan has hidden that purpose in a bunch of false religions, Eph 4:5-6 says; 5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 One God and Father of all, who [is] above all, and through all, and in you all.

Jesus came to this earth to do the will of his Father, he has showed all who will listen how to live forever. It would benefit anyone who listens to follow this for it means everlasting life in a perfect world where death is no more(John 3:16;Psalms 37:10,11,29;Rev 21:3,4)
2010-10-12 2:52 pm
Jesus heals. Lord Krishna heals too.

Jesus came back to life and went back to heaven. ,Many Chinese gods and goddesses came back to life and ascended to heaven too.

Jesus answers prayers. Allah too.

Jesus loves people. Zeus loves people too.

Jesus saves. God of the Sikhs also saves.

Pastors and priests exorcise. Taoist and hindu priests exorcise evil spirits too.

Bible prophecies came "true". Quran prophecies are similar too.

No difference.
參考: exchristian
2010-10-12 2:51 pm
Prophesy. Jehovah's prophesy about our times are right on. No other such prophesies exist.
2010-10-12 3:06 pm
Whatever God is the true God is the object of debate. However, it can easily be shown that the belief that no gods exist can easily be proven irrational.

However, atheists reject all gods simply because it cannot be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that one is true and the others are false.

When Christians argue in favor of God, the atheists then through out as many gods as they can. When atheists want to ridicule God, they only ridicule the God of the Bible. If they ridicule any other god, they will then claim that all other gods are the same.

I have never heard an atheist ridicule Zeus, Vishnu, Thor, or any other God. Only the Christian God.
2010-10-12 2:57 pm
I don't think you guys get it. There is no evidence for any of them, so that means none of them are any more real than a fairy, or magic. If you actually had proof, scientific proof, that any god actually existed, people would be more inclined to believe in your religions.
2010-10-12 2:53 pm
Why regard them as separate Gods? When i refer to the Dog Star, others might not realise that Sirius is the same thing, or that Sirius is a binary star.
2010-10-12 3:04 pm
"Prophesy. Jehovah's prophesy about our times are right on. No other such prophesies exist."

So now God is Nostradamus?!?!
2010-10-12 3:22 pm
"Christians, there is about as much "evidence" that your god exists as there is that any other god exist.?"

Really? Can you prove that statement?

"What makes your god so much more right then any other god?"

Because there is no other god. I don't have to disprove other gods. If the Judeo-Christian God is the God who created the universe no other gods are necessary. Since there are no other 'gods' in the history of mankind or religions that have claimed to create the universe from nothing then there is really no competition.

"The bible is very inconsistent. It is people today who reinterpret the bible attempt to bring consistency to it."
Again. Can you prove that statement. Many people find it to be consistent but you need to understand things like historical context. The average Joe on the street will not be able to understand all of the bible without some training because they don't understand Jewish history or historical context of what they are reading.
2010-10-12 2:58 pm
the fact that the message in the Bible is very consistent and clear throughout the years despite different writers. and just like what the above answer mentioned, there are a lot of prophecies in the Old Testaments that are answered in the New Testament, pointing toward Christ. And in the Old Testaments alone, there are a lot of prophecies that have fulfilled in history - a way for God to reveal His existence.

And when I examine the teachings in the Bible, they're simply reflective of humanity - the selfish nature of human beings, the need for salvation, etc.

As I'm not a practitioner of another religion, I personally came to faith as a Christian with personal experience. I think that's the most important thing for my faith. Without the personal experience, a person cannot really accept the objective evidence regardless of how strong they are.

God bless you. Jesus loves you
2010-10-12 2:56 pm
Not only prophesy and amazing historical preservation, but the Bible is objectively true. It can not be argued without the opponent being inconstant. The Bible says it is true. The Bible affirms itself.

Pick up Douglas Wilson's Persuassions. Its a short read, but it answers this very question among other common ones.

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