I'm so sad, my mom says that because of the way I treat her my children will be 3 times worse..?

2010-10-12 7:44 am
It makes me feel so sad. I want to have kids when I grow up and a family but when she says this I feel like she's placing a curse on me.. and I get scared.. I am under so much stress lately. Actually at all times. I just feel like no one cares. I'm at this point where I'm really really sad. And I don't know what to do. It's like I'm all alone and I only have my family but... they're far from comforting. I can't stand my mom... She's bitter, judgmental. She loves to talk the talk but I don't ever really see here walking the walk and it makes me so mad. More than anything I just want something stable in my life. But I feel like there is nothing I can lean on. She always gets mad and always goes on these long rants. It gets to the point to where I can't stand to hear her voice. I can't stand anything she does. Like what happened is she misunderstood something, she "assumed" I did something.. but I didn't. And she began speaking with that annoying angry tone of hers and I couldn't take it. I told her she was wrong and to leave me alone to stop talking. I couldnt stand her voice anymore. It just made it worse and she got all defensive and started ranting and I got up to leave and thats when she said that the way I treat hear will impact the way my kids treat me. I'm so tired. Why can't she be the mature one. Who calmly reasons things out instead of hotly launching into her stupid rants and lectures of how terrible I am before she even figures out what really happened.

I'm a christian and I'm worried about the curse thing. its hard to explain but it really worries me...


there's no one else to talk to. My mom's a single mom, and my dad is screwed up. I'm the oldest one and there's no one I can get support from, its too much i just dont think I can take it at times.


I do my best to respect my mom i never yell at her but sometimes I just have enough and i cant take it anymore

回答 (8)

2010-10-12 7:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have seen worst then that happen to my friend. You will always have to respect your mom. Heaven is beneath your mom's feet. Get away from the problem and take break from her but never cut her off your life/ she stood up all night and took care of you all day. Your in debt.
2010-10-12 7:53 am
Curses, Darling, can only work if you let them work. Your mother may have expressed a feeling which is not in your best interest, but it can only hurt you if you let it. If you let it slide over you and evaporate, you will come to no harm. Be sad, by all means, but be sad for your mother, who is unable to live her own life, and wants to drag you into her mindset. Be yourself, not her excuse for being like she is. You are an independent person. Be who you are, not what your mother wants to drag you down to.
2010-10-12 7:47 am
talk to another family member about what is happening with your mother. This does not sound like a healthy relationship and will only get worse if you let it.
If you are old enough to move out, do so.
2010-10-12 7:47 am
Tell her she's a stupid ***** and if she wants to talk **** she should step into the nearest bathroom.
2010-10-12 9:54 am
Hey, it's okay :)
Just don't listen to her. She just doesn't understand how you feel and what you are going through. Just sit there and hear her talk but don't listen to anything she says. Just treat her voice as noise.
And, curses don't come true. You are protected by God who loves you so much.
2010-10-12 7:52 am
Sorry to hear about this. I can feel your pain from this. Actually I have a similar struggle with my mom - somehow I see that she had not been raised in a godly way either and she is imperfect too. I hope that you can forgive her.

And as you're a Christian, you have the authority to break off the curses in Jesus' name. Jesus has overcome death so no curses can harm you with Jesus' protection. Several of these books really helped me: Captivating, Bondage Breakers, Boundaries...

visit this too: www.pastoralcareschool.org

Jesus is mighty to save. And whenever I feel down and sad about my family, I praise God for blessing my family through me because I am a Christian. I can be a witness to my parents and I will raise a godly generation after me. God is faithful and His will is to bless you. God bless you. Pray for you too. Feel free to e-mail me to connect.
參考: God's grace and mercy. the Bible, the Gospel
2010-10-12 7:48 am
honestly...you shouldnt be disrespecting anyone...especially your parents...

and slightly off topic...this is how religion works...through fear...
參考: atheist/buddhist
2010-10-12 7:47 am
No such thing as curses. The only way it will effect you is if you let it really bother you, like you have been.

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