(明報)2010年10月11日 星期一 09:15
魅族老總J. Wong在魅族官方論壇中發帖稱,M8手機因外觀專利問題將被迫停產。
J. Wong在帖子中表示,因為M8的外觀與蘋果iPhone相似,之前與蘋果的談判也未能達成一致,因此魅族公司所在地的知識產權局要求魅族停止生產M8手機,這款自誕生以來就引發無數爭議的手機將於本月底停產。
不過,J. Wong表示,因市場上尚有大量庫存,所以目前無法接受停止銷售M8的要求。
回答 (2)
Popular Handset in China Set to Halt Production in Tort Dispute
Once coined by Chinese internet users as China's Most Successful Hanset, the M8 of Meizu <will be> put out of production in the end of this month for alledgedly having a similar design as that of the iPhone of Apple.
Jack Wong, head of Meizu, posted a message on the company's internet forum to explain that production of the M8 has to be stopped for the right infringement accusations it faces for its design.
According to Jack Wong, the M8 has a similar design as that of iPhone but the two companies has failed to stike a mutually acceptable deal. This led to the local IP authorities of the place where Meizu is based to order the company to shut down production of this product which has caused much debates since its release.
However, Jack Wong finds the request to stop the sales of the M8 unacceptable a large quantity of the product is already out in the market.
收錄日期: 2021-04-19 23:22:04
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