培道幼稚園係咪名校黎架? 係咪好難先入到架?

2010-10-11 9:27 am
培道幼稚園係咪名校黎架? 係咪好難先入到架? 係咪比聖三一難入呢? 唉~都唔知土瓜灣有咩好d又唔難入既幼稚園. 未面試已經好大壓力. 唔該大家回答一下~~~~唔該哂,thanks

回答 (1)

2010-10-14 1:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
This kinder is easy to get into even small boys/girls. It's famous as it has primary school. But not very good for their primary school.
08 has more competition. But don't worry. If the target is not Kln tong ones, it should not be difficult.

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