20points,help me correct ...

2010-10-11 6:58 am
i want to confirm that is it i'm in a correct class . since the day Mrs Peter told me that he will confirm my class in his office,but he haven't contect me that what is the check result.I want to ask is he contect you and tell you about the result? If not,what should I do?


我想確定我是否分錯班/在正確的班? 自從彼得先生告訴我他會confirm我的班後,他再沒有聯繫我...(大約)

回答 (3)

2010-10-11 7:48 pm
I am writing / calling to clarify that if I was assigned to the right class. Mister Peter told me that he would contact me to confirm on this issue, and I still haven’t heard from him since then. It would be much appreciated if you can give me an update.
參考: hkslot
2010-10-11 7:33 pm
I just want to confirm if I has been allocated to the right class. Since Mr. Peter last told me in his office that he would check & reply me, so far I had received no reply from him. I want to know if he had contact you about the result. If no feedback yet, please advise what could I do?
2010-10-11 10:12 am
  I wanted to confirm i' In correct kind of m. Will tell me from day Madame Peter him to confirm my kind in his office, but his haven' t contect I anything am the check result. I want to request am his contect you and tell you about the result? Otherwise, how should I manage?

參考: 自己的腦袋

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