
2010-10-10 1:27 pm
我的laptop之前中毒 重裝整個window
都沒有聲音出 一樣是由電腦自己發出聲音
我試過打開manage audio devices test headphone
是可以發出聲音的 但平常聽音樂就不可
請問大家知道這是什麼問題 可以怎樣解決的?

回答 (2)

2010-10-19 11:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Only Supplement to Henry Leung's reply


如果你個speaker有聲就是你本身電腦問題(軟件或硬件),在軟件方面 -- 建議你upgrade你的喇叭程式. 硬件方面 -- It may be a problem of Sound Card (sound card may be a seperate card or on-board). If it a seperate Sound Card, you can replace it (by using another card or buy a external USB sound and speaker card at around HK$40) and try again. If it is an on-board Sound Card, you can also use an external USB sound and speaker card and try again. I have faced this problem previously and it is workable. Thank you and hope this can help.
2010-10-19 10:39 pm

註 : 如果幫到你請記得選我最佳回答

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