Did my dog go away to die?

2010-10-10 3:14 am
We have had Peso our pom. Mix for about 16 yrs. We were told when we got her from the pound that she was full grown, so we are not exactly sure hold old she is. Well I left town for a 10 day vacation this past Tues. By Friday my husband told me that Peso was not around the house. She never left our perimeter before, she would walk about one house away and would always come home. well my family can't find her any where. Is it possible she walked away to go and die some where. Her health has been deteriating for about a year now. But I am very sad I wasn't there for her. My son keeps trying to reassure me that she knew I was going and she didn't want me to see her die. I am ver heart broken They did call the shelters and pounds in our area and drove all over looking for her but it is now4 days.

回答 (12)

2010-10-10 3:21 am
I don't want to seem unsympathetic but I think it is more likely that while she was out wandering around something happened to her. Maybe she got lost in the woods, or into a dog fight.. if she was old and in poor health it wouldn't take much to have something happen.

I hope she just got taken in by a nice family who thought she was a stray or something. My heart goes out to you.
2010-10-10 4:13 am
dogs do not "wander off to die"

more likely she was suffering some form of doggie-dementia and wandered off the property.. and may have gotton hit by car, poisoned, shot, attacked by another animal, or picked up by someone.

Or someone may have even stolen her. Small dogs left outside unattended are very likely to be stolen.. either because someone just wants the dog and thinks they can provide for the dog better, to resell, or to use as a bait dog for training fighting dogs.

An animal could have taken your dog off the property as well.
2010-10-10 3:42 am
As Berner stated much more likely something happens to her. An old and infirmed dog especially a smaller dog would be an easy target for any number of predators. Imparted hearing and vision also increases the risk of being hit by a car (don't know it's coming)
2010-10-10 3:28 am
Its posible, but I dont see why she would leave to die, if she was gonna die she would of just dropped or lay there in her comfy spot til she went, she might of gotten disoriented when she went out and got lost, she is old, or maybe someone stole her, people do that they go around looking for cute dogs that they can sell, dont give up and just plaster her picture in as many places you can think of. If she doesnt show up eventually then you should make your peace and hope she is fine where ever she may be and just be glad to of had have her for the time you did.
2016-04-21 11:38 am
I have lived with 6 dogs through their lifespan 12-16+ years, I didn't see any of them run away to die like a cat. My first Border Collie and heart dog was 16y/o Border Collie she had a CVA and developed severe vertigo for 3 days until we decided she was suffering too much and the vet said she was not going to recover if she hadn't already done so. She was totally dependent on us to hold her up to go to the bathroom and walk. When we took her to the vet to have her put to sleep she just rested her chin on my knee and died leaning against my leg. Most of the dogs I had seem to communicate more dependence and love when they sense that time rather than flight. Like the previous post said, go out and look for your dog, check shelters, put up posters and post lost dog alerts on the internet. Craigslist, yahoogroups "K9Alert" there are hundreds of lost dog websites out there...
2010-10-12 2:39 am
It is difficult when you lose a pet for a unkonwn reason, and the fact that she seems to have vanished does not help, one could hope that she got lost, (dogs do get lost) and that someone kind found her and is keeping good care of her, for know, put up signs, and have hope ok? that you will find your little buddy, I will pray that your dog returns home safe and sound hang in there give it some more time.
2010-10-10 3:27 am
I just want you to know that it hurts a lot to lose a dog of 16 years. But, we all managed to overcome it so will you. Believe in it, I am still a happy dog owner.

This is a hard fact of life, losing a dog is like losing family.

Yes, she could have gone off somewhere to die. Animals do have that instinct that they don't die at home.

Time heals everything.
2010-10-10 3:26 am
could be. but hope not. and wish u best of luck that she will return
2010-10-10 3:19 am
you're expecting the worse, but you never know for sure. my cat was missing in the middle of a snow storm for 5 days and he's an indoor cat. Turns out he was hiding in the shed. I'm really sorry your dog is missing, I hope you find her. It sounds like you're blaming yourself, You've done your best, you've made her last years -if it is her last years- very comfortable and loving I'm sure. So don't beat yourself up if the worse comes true. It's going to be okay, one way or another. Take care okay.
2010-10-10 3:36 am
It's happened to me, too, and with cats as well as dogs. It's a natural instinct, but it's sure as hell hard on the people who love them.

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