I've had my puppy for 5 days now and just these past two days he's been very lethargic and hasn't eaten.?

2010-10-10 2:44 am
My puppy doesn't eat and only drinks a little and sleeps all day and night. I don't know what's wrong. He got his shots 3 days ago so does this mean he's just depressed from leaving his mother or is he sick?

回答 (9)

2010-10-10 3:21 am
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Please, if you don't take your puppy to the vet (which is really what you should do) at least call right away.

A young puppy should not be refusing food for 2+ days, shots, separation or anything else are irrelevant.

Your puppy is likely already at least mildly dehydrated - he can die before anyone has time to even realize what's happening. Please take this seriously. He may be okay and start eating and drinking normally and regain a normal level of activity soon, but are you really willing to take that kind of chance? When you were a baby, if you vomited up everything you ate for 3 days in a row and barely drank anything, and were much more lethargic than an infant would be, would you think it's okay for your parents to just ask online and not at the very least call your doctor? Most parents would have their kid at the pediatrician's office - if not the hospital - in a heartbeat. Your puppy is just as fragile if he's young enough that he was just removed from his mother.

Edit: I re-read what I wrote, and wanted to clarify: I wasn't accusing you of being irresponsible or saying that it's wrong to ask for help online. I was merely trying to explain that a very young puppy can be just as weak and fragile as a baby, and it's not worth it to take the risk, especially when they could end up very ill or even die.

On another subject, unless you happen to be one of the few people NOT barely scraping by right now, the cost for a quick vet visit for what could be a minor problem (like worms) that's causing his symptoms will be manageable for most people. The cost for the vet to have to do all sorts of tests, keep him overnight (or longer), perform procedures, give him medicines, IVs, and even possibly surgery in a puppy whose organs have started to fail due to dehydration, in which case he'll have to be kept much longer than overnight until he is well enough to leave, will cost you thousands to ten of thousands of dollars. If not more. Waiting too long could cause many more problems (not just what could happen to your pet).

PLEASE call your vet immediately. There are emergency vet clinics if you cannot call on a weekend. There may not be one in your area that you can physically get to, but you can still make the call.

If for some reason you cannot do this right away, try different kinds of food and treats, and it's of utmost importance that you continue to get him to drink liquids. If he will not eat any solid foods, try to mix something with calories into his water. The "broth" from a can of wet dog food is what I would recommend if he really will not take any kind of food (it's better than nothing). Be careful with trying things like beef broth because the sodium (among other things) can be very dangerous to a dog.

Good luck with your puppy and I hope he's okay.
2010-10-10 9:47 am
You need to take him to the vets right away. This is very serious and you cannot leave him like this.
2010-10-10 9:48 am
Oh the poor little mite. Take him to the vet for a check up. Don;t take any chances.

Our puppy is now almost 7 months and all of us watch him like a hawk.

Best of luck with yours.
參考: animal lover.
2010-10-10 9:46 am
The shots may have made him feel under the weather but that prob should have worn off by now. Take him to the vet immediately if he is not drinking; he could get severely dehydrated and that could kill him.
2010-10-10 9:48 am
he might be sick.. lethargy is a good reason to see a vet ASAP.
2010-10-11 8:45 pm
No, he wont be depressed.

It could be any sort of illness, take him to the vets ASAP.
2010-10-10 9:56 am
Sounds like a very young puppy and you should be very careful with him.

Feed him glucose diluted in water with a syringe. This would give him water as well as energy.

Did the vet examine him and take temperature before he gave the shots? I just wonder if the puppy was a little under the weather, as he was trying to adjust to the new environment without his mother, when he got the shots. The vaccination would stir up things inside him.

Is he feverish?

I would watch closely for 24 hours. In the meantime let him sleep and as soon as he wakes up feed him with glucose water and some congee (rice boiled in a lot of water). Puppies mustn't get dehydrated. Unless he is very thin or else he won't starve to death for a couple of day without food.
2010-10-10 12:37 pm
Check his throat to make sure he hasn't swallowed a bone and its gotten caught there
also take him to the vet to make sure he doesn't have a bone caught in his stomach blocking the food passage
good luck
2010-10-10 9:47 am
The same thing happened to my boyfriends dog, but he went to the store and purchased a de-worming shot and then she was fine after that. Go to a pet smart or local pet store and tell them the symptoms and I think they will tell you to get this, but if your still a nervous call your vet in the morning.

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