Getting my dog put to sleep on the 17th...What do I do?

2010-10-09 3:33 pm
In november, I'd have had my puppy for one whole year...He recently turned a year old. After he attacked a friends dog who he's seen every day since I had him, I made the final decision to have him PTS...He's always been aggressive, as he wasn't socialised as a young puppy, and he was almost 3 months old when I got him. Professional help *didn't* help, so I've expected this, but I never actually thought it'd happen. He's normally fine with friends and friends dogs, but this week he just 'flipped' and attacked as the other dog walked passed.

Since I've had him, I haven't spent a day apart from him...I really love him, and can't imagine life without him. I've scheduled his appointment for the 17th of this month, and one day after that is my birthday.

I'm lost on what to do. I have no idea how to act this next week. The same? Do I walk him more? Train him more? Let him on the furniture? Feed him table scraps? Let him get away with things I wouldn't normally? Or do I just put him in a crate as he's become a danger to myself and everyone around me? Do I change his appointment to a sooner date? I'm lost with the thought of being without my best friend. :'-(

Rebeka> He'll be put to sleep. He's too aggressive to be rehomed, hence why I have to have him put to sleep in the first place. He's classed as a dangerous dog, which aren't allowed to be rehomed.


ghoff> Dogs, people, other animals, and objects that move are on his list of things to kill. In crowded places he's fine with people as long as nobody tries to pet him. But anywhere else and he's a nightmare. It used to be just dogs, but in the passed 2 months he's decided people are also "fun chew-toys".


Lalala> I didn't "give up on him". I continued training him and walking him and trying to find different methods of training, even after the professional had been to help. I don't plan to get another dog again. redtoe> He was in my back garden, along with the friend and her dog. Both dogs had been walking together that day with no problems, and had come straight to my house after the walk. He tore the other dogs ear, but nothign else as I and my friend were able to pull him off and seperate them. clueless> I have spoken to my vet about other things to try. As he's been neutered and seen a professional trainer, I was told euthenisation was the last option, as dogs with strong aggression aren't put up for adoption. I've spoken to a professional before, and after 2 hours I was told that euthenisation would be the best option if he worsened.


Ashley say NO to breeding mutts!> I DID socialise him as a puppy! Only, I got him at 3 months, not 8 weeks! His breeders didn't socialise him in the first few weeks of his life! I was told this after I emailed and phoned them when he started being aggressive! I'm sorry, but I didn't think teeth beared, snapping, snarling, growling and biting/pinning/attacking was playing. My bad.


Thank you for all the help...


saul2slash> He's not just dog aggressive. I was able to deal with it when he was merely dog aggressive. In the last two months he's begun showing aggression toward people.


twilight> He's very obedient when it's just me with him. He's learned obedience commands and a few tricks. I'm not able to train him around dogs or people, as he's a large breed and doesn't respond to commands when there are distractions. Friends/family with dogs understandably don't want to put their dog in danger by allowing me to train mine with them as distractions.


Little Miss Cavalier> Thank you very much. :'-)

回答 (26)

2010-10-10 2:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
If your dog instigated a bite incident causing serious bodily harm to the other dog, then it's either canine aggressive or has a weak temperament which manifests itself in a very low threshold & high level of reactivity to dogs it perceives to be a threat.

While the above could as you say be handled (by experienced dog trainer/owner who had realistic expectations of what could be achieved with the dog), it is not the only cause for concern.

If on the other hand it was a relatively minor injury & it was a breed such as a male adolescent Dobermann with another male dog, then it's common for a male Dobermann to assert its position over another male dog & generally throw its weight around.

More worrying is your description of his aggressive behaviour toward humans, to the point where you do not feel safe having the dog in your home. I would be interested to know what behaviours he is exhibiting towards humans & the circumstances in which it takes place.

Based on the information provided I cannot hazard a guess as whether it denotes a bratty dog that needs an experienced trainer & strong leadership, or it's a dog that was born with a severely weak temperament, & euthanasia would be the most responsible course of action.
2010-10-09 6:16 pm
Heartbreaking. I'm so sorry to hear this.
Treat him the same as you normally would, feed walk him as much as you would. Make sure you enjoy your time with him but if I were you I would make that appointment sooner. I honestly think you have made the right decision and you don't want to spend a whole week second guessing yourself. Big hugs from me to you xx

Edit: To the people that are throwing around ridiculous accusations, until you have loved something truly, you will never understand that sometimes the kindest thing you can do for an animal you love so much is to let it go with dignity as opposed to leaving it suffering for the duration of its life. Shame on you. You should all be disgusted with yourselves.
2010-10-09 4:11 pm
Since everyone isn't really answering your question...i will. I understand completely where you are coming from!! I was in a similar situation...i exhausted every source and idea trying to help a dog who was dog, small animals, and eventually people aggressive. Eventually I had to put him down too because you cant rehome an aggressive dog like that.

I loved him very much so it was difficult to put him down, but it was the best for everyone in the situation involved. As for the week before it happened, I treated the dog the dog the same. You don't want them to know something is up. Just treat him the way you always do.

As for the actually euthanasia its very simple and the dog feels no pain. They take the dog in and basically give it an overdose of anestesia. Which makes the dog go into a peaceful sleep, but because its an overdose the heart just stops once the dog is asleep. They check for a pulse and confirm there is no heartbeat. It is very sad and i cried buckets. Because I live on a farm i was able to take the dog back home and bury it.

I am very sorry for the lose you will have!
參考: put down 2 dogs: one for aggression and one because of old age related illness
2010-10-09 5:52 pm
If your vet agrees, and if the person that professionally tried to train him agrees then you have already gone that extra mile and this, regretably, is the correct decision. Not every dog gets to make it as a pet. I think once the PTS decision has been made it should be done sooner rather than later or it will make your anquish far, far worse.
2010-10-09 5:51 pm
I have had to do the exact same thing. I had a 7mo old puppy that attacked and ripped open the other dogs throat. My vet said that with the puppy being so aggressive at such a young age it's not a matter of if she will bite a person it's a matter of when. It was a very hard decision but in the end I made the right one just as you are having to do now. I feel your pain and I'm truly very sorry for what you are going through. Don't listen to these people you are being a responsible pet owner. People who keep aggressive dogs are the ones who end up being sued in court or worse being charged with murder. Spend as much time as you can with your baby and go ahead give him table scraps and just enjoy him for now and know that you made his last few days the best days! Again I am soooo sorry you have to go through this keep your head up and know you made the right decision!!!
參考: Responsible Pet Owner!
2010-10-09 4:56 pm
I am so sorry you are facing this. I can't imagine this type of pain.

You have gone beyond what many would do. You have consulted professional trainers, you have sought vet care. You were given the advice for euthanasia and it does seem to be at that point. Know that some dogs, like some people, just aren't born normal. Your dog may have something in his brain that isn't wired correctly. From everything I've read, these dogs are so "off" that their lives and bodies are under so much stress that they can not enjoy a happy, normal quality of life. In other words, these dogs are suffering. You are doing the right thing. Sometimes it sucks to do the right thing and it is hard. My thoughts are with you at the very difficult time. Be at peace with your decision. You are doing the right thing for this dog, much as it hurts you.
2010-10-09 3:44 pm
I don't completely understand your question. Was your dog on a leash? Was he outside? How badly did he hurt the other dog? Isn't it possible to keep him away from other dogs and people? My little dog was just attacked yesterday by my other dog, but I wouldn't put the attacker to sleep. I'm just going to keep them apart, as much as possible. I mean, maybe I'm being nuts, but I have to try. Although, if you think your dog is capable of hurting a person, and you don't think you can contain him, then this is the best choice. You should definitely spoil him if this is your last resort. Best wishes.
2010-10-11 7:25 pm
It's very common for dogs to get into scraps every now and then. Especially when young as it's often related to a struggle for dominance and learning where the boundaries are. Obviously it is something that needs to be addressed, but even the best trained dogs get into scraps. My dog had her ear tore when she got in a tiff with her dad, but we dealt with it and they are absolutely fine now!
Aggression is a product of fear and is often a result of an owner who is not assuming the alpha role. Basically: Dog feels it must be the protector, doesn't want this role, becomes stressed and ends up being aggressive in attempt to assume a role it is not comfortable with. Any good trainer would know this and would know that it takes more than two hours to get to the root of the problem. It would require observation of you and your dog to find out where the problems lie.
It doesn't matter if your dog was never socialised, a dog can be socialised at just about any point.

If you really feel euthanasia is your only option then i guess it's what you have to do, but it's just such a shame when this problem could well be solved.
參考: dog breeding/training/behaviour at college and plenty of pet dogs.
2010-10-10 3:26 am
I am very sorry for your loss. Let me ask you, is or was he already neutered? That will calm him down in some areas. Not that I am trying to change your mind. What you are doing is a very courageous and unselfish act. I love my dogs, but I could never do what you are doing, I don't think.

I don't understand the part about the professional help not helping. that puzzles me, he is just a year now, 3 months when you acquired him. You have only had him 9 months. That is not a very long time of working with an animal to socialize, train, rehabilitee, whatever. And since you are not in the dog professional industry you only train him part time so now we are talking about two or three months total training. If you knew this was going to come you could have saved yourself some heart ache and never took him in or euthanized him sooner. I am not bashing you I am trying to understand why you are giving up so easily, You can muzzle him while train him and while around family and friends. If I may ask what your routine with him was or is at present. Do you walk him daily, how long. What training methods you use, how much play time do you do with him things of that nature! Did you ever think of exposing him to a dog or two that is bigger and more aggressive than he is and let him get his *** kicked a few times to bring him down a notch or two! Crazy I know but I have seen it work in a pack structure!

Well I wish your luck in whatever you decide to do! I am not here to judge you, hell I can barely judge myself, I don’t need to worry about other peoples therapy!

Good Luck!*;* Again I am sorry for your loss.
2010-10-09 10:41 pm
At the end of the day, its your dog you understand your dogs temperment better than anybody else. If it is your belief as the pet owner and this is your last and final call then you are doing the right thing.

But please dont let this put you off getting another dog, my border colly was never socialiSED AND IS NOW 2 YEAR OLD I am now training her and she is getting along brilliantly. when aggression in dogs comes out and you have done everything to the best of your potential the their is nothing more you can do.
I would sudgest looking for another dog awhile after, maybe getting one from a kennel that needs a new loving friend.

in the meen time spend as much times as possible with the one you have now.

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