
2010-10-10 6:35 am
Review of past tenses
A. John is wrriting a story about origami. Help him to complete the story using the simple past and the past continuous.
HINT:you canuse these verbs:
pick up
Tony and his sister, Kitty, are students at a school for magic. Last night, Tony (1)______________ an amazing experience. He couldn't practise his magic spells in the garden as usual because it (2)____________ outside, so he (3)___________ into Kitty's bedroom to see what she was doing. Kitty was busy with her favourite hobby-origami.
" I'm bored," said Tony.
"Do you want to give origami a try?" asked Kitty.
"OK, but I haven't done it before," Tony replied.
He sat down beside Kitty and (4)_____________ a piece of coloured paper. He (5)_____________ Kitty cut and fold her piece of paper. Soon she (6)_____________ a paper turtle in her hand.
" See? It's a turtle," said Kitty.
" Turtles aren't interesting," said Tony.
Tony then (7)______________ about the new spell that he had recently learnt. He (8)______________ attention to the paper in his hands, so he was surprised when it (9)________________ to look like an animal.
(10)_______________ you just ____________ magic?" Kitty asked.
"No," Tony answered.
But his hands seemed to start moving on their own, and they (11)_____________ another fold in the paper. Minutes later, the paper turned into a bird and (12)____________ out the window!
(13)"___________ you __________ that?" asked Kitty.
Watching the bird, Tony was too excited to reply.

回答 (2)

2010-10-10 3:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You are supposed to use up all the 13 verbs.


Tony and his sister, Kitty, are students at a school for magic. Last night, Tony (1) had an amazing experience. He couldn't practise his magic spells in the garden as usual because it (2) was raining outside, so he (3 ) went into Kitty's bedroom to see what she was doing. Kitty was busy with her favourite hobby-origami.
" I'm bored," said Tony.
"Do you want to give origami a try?" asked Kitty.
"OK, but I haven't done it before," Tony replied.
He sat down beside Kitty and (4) picked up a piece of coloured paper. He (5 ) watched Kitty cut and fold her piece of paper. Soon she (6) held a paper turtle in her hand.
" See? It's a turtle," said Kitty.
" Turtles aren't interesting," said Tony.
Tony then (7) thought about the new spell that he had recently learnt. He (8) paid attention to the paper in his hands, so he was surprised when it (9) began to look like an animal.
(10) Did you just use magic?" Kitty asked.
"No," Tony answered.
But his hands seemed to start moving on their own, and they (11) made another fold in the paper. Minutes later, the paper turned into a bird and (12) flew out the window!
(13)" Did you see that?" asked Kitty.
Watching the bird, Tony was too excited to reply.
2010-10-10 8:09 am
1. had 2. was raining 3. went 4. picked up 5. saw 6. made 7. thought 8. paid 9. began 10. Did you just 11. made 12 flew 13. Did you see
參考: me

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