What can I do about my dog humping?

2010-10-09 6:49 am
I got a bulldog at the house that wants to hump my leg (it always seems to happen at night) and she keeps licking my legs too. what can i do to stop her dirty ways?


回答 (5)

2010-10-09 6:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
The dog can't hump or lick if you don't let it.
Put a stop to the behaviour.
2010-10-09 1:56 pm
Buy her a couple of stuffed animals.
This worked for my Chi.

If she does it again, make a no sound "a-a"
or clap your hands too. Get up fast & walk away.
She should get the message not to when you keep leaving.

I'm back. I like that website you listed. Cool Quiz
2010-10-09 1:56 pm
You have to be very consistant and strict. Say NO in a stern voice when she is at it.

Is she spayed?

It looks to me as if she thinks your leg is a little puppy.
2010-10-09 2:01 pm
You need to spray your bulldog.
2010-10-09 2:00 pm
hump her back

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