wen wants pee he does it indoors?

2010-10-09 6:38 am
he just goes indoors even after been out and done his business.

回答 (5)

2010-10-09 7:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
He's not house trained yet. Keep trying. Take him out every hour and praise when he obliges so he learns what you want.

Take no notice of anyone who tells you to rub his nose in the accident. That is outright animal abuse and anyone who knows anything about dogs would never suggest it.

The only thing you teach an animal by being cruel is never to trust that you won't do him harm and hurt him.
2010-10-09 1:59 pm
If he is under 5 months old he won't have proper bladder control.

Also, they go by smell. If you don't get rid of the smell he left in the house he will want to do it again there.
2010-10-09 2:05 pm
You should get the potty patch, for dogs in training. if he doesn't pee in indoors for the first time, give him a treat. If he still does, say no fernly, but don't hurt your dog, it will scare him. Keep trying this for a month or so till he understands. :) hope this helped.
2010-10-09 1:53 pm
you did not say how old the dog was if it is a young dog. and weather, jobs or pee, put some
mustard on it, rub the dogs nose on it, and then tell him what for, put the dog out for an hour or so and don't make up to him when he is let in. job done !
2010-10-09 1:43 pm
You have to train puppies. When he goes indoors hold him by the scruff of the neck and hold his nose down to the puddle. Say no in an angry way & put him outside, It will soon get the message,

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