My poor doggy is sick! please help me!?

2010-10-09 2:32 am
My dog had a stomach flu so the vet gave me oral medication for him for 3 days. He would not take it inside hotdogs or anything else except cheese. So i wrapped inside a piece of cheese so the 6 times he ahd to take the medication. I think that caused him to have runny poop for couple of days. I saw little bit of blood along with dark brown slime with small amount of blood in it in his runny poop....

I thought he just brew his butthole from pooping runny poop for few days. I decided to just watch him for couple more days to see if it will get better.

It's day 2 after the medication today. He puked couple of times today and I saw a bit of blood in it as well... I am worry!!!!!! It's small slimy looking blood chunks. Found maybe 3-5 inside his puke.

His not refusing his food and drinking water normal. His behavior has not changed either. Still barking like a camper and going out to walks as usual.

just worried what this might be... I am planning on taking him after couple days when I get paid but until' then I just needed to gather some information.. I am freaking out right now and wish I had the money to take him in sooner.. :-(

any idea what this might be? will it get better?

回答 (7)

2010-10-09 2:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
With these serious symptoms you may not have' after a couple of days'.
This is an emergency so take the dog to the vet STAT.
2010-10-09 2:39 am
I would take your dog right to the vet. I have never had a problem with cheese giving one of my dogs the runs. We use cheese quite a bit for training treats.

I would be more worried that the "stomach flu" might actually be something else. Did the vet run a panel to check you pups blood?

I always error on the side of caution with my dogs.
2016-10-18 3:11 pm
Your pup is obviously very ill, and in spite of folk's alleged previous undesirable studies with any of the vets, you need to get him to a minimum of one. those human beings's comments may even carry no advantage of reality related to the vet's actual care- while somebody's canines needs to be positioned down, human beings can get dissatisfied, so on occasion they choose for in charge it on their vet. For grieving puppy dad and mom, "does not help in any respect" can relatively have meant "the vet did each thing they'd, yet it nevertheless wasn't adequate, and that i'm dissatisfied so i am going in charge the veterinarian" the two way, your unfavorable ill pup needs to receive the care that he needs to get greater advantageous. Take him to the vet with the least undesirable studies stated and need for the wonderful. i'm hoping your pup is okay.
2010-10-09 3:33 am
Sounds like your pup has a bad case of worms. Did the vet do a stool check? The vomiting is not a good sign. There may be an intestinal obstruction, so an X-ray might be needed.
2010-10-09 3:14 am
Have you called your vet at all and asked them? Most vets are willing to give advice over the phone for free.

Most dogs can't digest dairy products so the runny poo is ok. However, it should clear after a day or two and go back to the normal solid poo.

He really should be seen again by the vet as soon as possible if there's blood in the poo and vomit. If you can't get there now due to financial reasons, talk to your vet. My vet will let you write a check for what is owed and they'll hold the check until your next pay day. There's also this credit card that I got years ago called Care Credit. It's limited to doctors visits only, including vets. You could check in to getting this card. I've had it for several years now and have used it many times for my vet visits as well as my person doctor and dental visits when I couldn't afford the visit.
2010-10-09 3:03 am
I understand the worry about waiting till you get paid, but if the vomiting continues I would call your vet and see if you could either pay half now and the rest of the bill later or if you could wait and pay it all when you get paid.
I would assume that if the food and water intake hasn't changed then don't be to worried. Just continue to keep an eye on them. As soon as ANYTHING changes I would take him in to the vet. Make sure he stays hydrated and continues eating, but a little diarrhea could be because of the medicine.
參考: Years of fostering dogs!
2010-10-09 2:45 am
If he is eating and drinking normally you shouldn't worry too much.

Since he has stomach flu he would do better not eating dairy products. How small is your dog? If he is bigger than a Chihuahua you can learn to push the pill down the throat like vets do. Even my Peke gets fed medication this way: Tilt up his head and push the pill with your index finger all the way to the throat. Then close his mouth and stroke his throat downwards. When he swallow the pill you'll see the movement in his eye balls and throat.

Stop feeding him the normal food. Stick to boiled chicken and rice for a few days. This would be the best for his digestive system. Obviously he still has virus or germs so it is a good idea to take him to the vet again.

However, you have to be careful with what he eats as this would affect the effects of medication. If he has had diarrhea for a few days, it is a good idea to give him glucose water. For my dogs I would simply feed them with a syringe so that I know for sure how much water they have had. It's important not to let him get dehydrated.

Get well soon doggie.

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