For a reaction system which is at equilibrium, which of the following must always be true?

2010-10-09 12:50 am
A q = 0
B ΔU = 0
C ΔG = 0
D ΔS = 0
E ΔH = 0

回答 (2)

2010-10-09 2:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
delta G =0
2017-01-12 10:57 pm
a million. Technically an adolescent&guy or woman 2. became right into a dancer 3. Chocolate mint 4. i think of like it extremely is the comprehensive rainbow.. 5. Nope 6. Ice cream (yet vegan) 7. Comedy 8. Nope 9. eh 10. (:

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